
Hi there! My name is Karen. Well actually, that’s only one of the names I go by. I’m Honey, to my husband; Mama, to my daughter, Mom, to my son-in-law, and Baba, to my grandsons. I live in the northeastern part of the United States.
One of my favorite things is being outside. A cup of coffee and my Bible on the back porch. Sitting with friends around my fire pit. Relaxing outside, watching the squirrels fight over the peanuts in the food mix I put out everyday. Seeing the magnificent colors of the birds and hearing their songs. Hopping on the tractor and mowing our land. Those things are my jam. Yep, I’m a country girl at heart. Yee haw! haha
I’ve been journaling for years about things God has revealed to me after time in His Word. And honestly, God’s Spirit has been nudging me for years to blog, but fear of failure kept me from taking the step of obedience. I have had a lot of excuses for my delayed obedience (which is a more palatable way of saying my “disobedience”). My top excuse was the fact that I was not the best student in school. I mean, I really struggled. So I must have heard God wrong when He told me to blog because I’m not smart enough to do that, right? Wrong. God has placed in me a real love for words. I actually refer to myself often as a “word nerd”. Nothing thrills my heart more than reading the Scripture, researching words and phrases, and learning more about my God from His Word. If jam had a jam, studying God’s word would be my jam’s JAM.
My heart’s desire, should you choose to check out my blog, is that you would see God for who He is, that your love and awe of Him would be ever increasing, and that you would grow in wholehearted service and devotion to Him. So, won’t you join me as Your Bible Study Buddy, and learn along with me?