Ever Get Puzzled?

KarenBible StudyLeave a Comment

“And working together with Him, 
we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain, 
giving no reason for taking offense in anything, 
so that the ministry will not be discredited, 
but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, 
in much endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, in difficulties,”
(2 Corinthians 6:1, 3-4)

When I first read this passage this morning, I have to say that I was a bit puzzed.  All throughout the Word of God, humility is commanded; and then to have this passage say that Paul and his companions are commending themselves as servants of God, I was a little taken aback.  Well, because I know that God’s word never contradicts Itself, I knew that there was something I was missing here.  So I dug.  

Note:  The format for this blog will be a bit different than normal, as I am just gonna share directly from my notes, as I dug into the key definitions from the key phrases of this passage, with a few “Pause to Ponder” sections along the way. 

We are URGED not to receive the grace of God IN VAIN. 

URGED <parakaleō> denotes “to call to one’s side,” hence, “to call to one’s aid.” It is used for every kind of calling to a person which is meant to produce a particular effect; in addition, its significance includes the stronger force of “to beseech; to call near, i.e. invite, invoke (by imploration, hortation or consolation).  

Bear in mind that another variation of this verb is <paraklēsis>, meaning comfort, “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort <paraklēsis> who comforts <parakaleō> us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort <parakaleō> those who are in any affliction with the comfort <paraklēsis> with which we ourselves are comforted <parakaleō> by God;” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 

NOTICE the different nuances of “urged”.  

  • (DIC) invite: to request the presence or participation of : to request formally : to urge politely
  • (DIC) urge: to present, advocate, or demand earnestly or pressingly : to undertake the accomplishment of with energy, swiftness, or enthusiasm : to serve as a motive or reason for : to force or impel in an indicated direction or into motion or greater speed : stimulate; provoke
  • (DIC) invoke: to appeal to or cite as authority : to make an earnest request for
  • (DIC) imploration: to make a humble plea
  • (DIC) hortation: to incite by argument or advice : urge strongly : to give warnings or advice : make urgent appeals
  • (DIC) consolation: to alleviate the grief, sense of loss, or trouble of : comfort.

PAUSE TO PONDER how completely God the Father knows each of us.  

The Spirit  knows exactly what “speaks our language” where “urge” is concerned.  To some, making a humble plea or giving a gentle nudge will move us into action; for others, they need to be given advice and/or warnings to be moved in the right direction; and then for others, their hearts are touched when the Spirit says, “please don’t do this because I don’t want to see you suffer loss and endure a heart of grief.”  Which of these do you find God using to get you to move toward His way and/or away from your own way?

IN VAIN <kenos> empty, to no purpose


Glance back to the passage in 2 Corinthians above, did you notice that God gives <paraklesis> so that we can <parakaleo> someone else to process their circumstances in the light of “my God is so big” versus “my problem is so big”. God loves us and desires to help us throughout our lives, but His <paraklesis> is not given just to restore our own comfort, but it is given so that we can be the channel through which God comforts someone else. 

If we aren’t passing along what God has given to us,
that would qualify as receiving the grace of God in vain.  

God has a plan and a purpose for each one of our lives.

For we are God’s handiwork,
created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do
~~Ephesians 2:10~~


  • Are we living our lives in light of the “good works” God has prepared in advance for us? 
  • Or are we living according to our own plans and goals? 
  • Or perhaps it’s that we are  trying to “live for God”, but in our own way or in our own strength?  

Giving no reason FOR TAKING OFFENSE in ANYTHING.  

FOR TAKING OFFENSE <proskope> a stumbling; to do something which causes others to stumble. 

PAUSE TO PONDER what this is saying! 

Before you read on, take a moment to humble yourself,
asking the Holy Spirit to shine His light on any area in your life
where you may be living in such a way that could make another stumble.

  • As people observe how you live, are they drawn to “The Way, The Truth, and The Life”, or do they have trouble spotting any evidence of a spiritual purpose in your life? 
  • Are you living your life “in vain”, or are you choosing to live your life to glorify God and expand His Kingdom?  That’s pretty sobering, huh?.  

As a side note, I think so many of us are, from one moment to the next, torn between “to God be the glory” and “to ME be the glory”.  People pleasing is a real thing.  When talking about the “flesh”, Paul said, I die daily.  I don’t know about you, but, honestly, I can die several times in the same sixty seconds! Oy

IN ANYTHING <medies> in nothing; not at all; in no respect.  (That’s pretty all encompassing.)  


  • How is my thought life? 
  • What am I choosing to put before my eyes and into my ears? 
  • What comes out of my mouth? 
  • Who am I at home when no one is watching? 
  • When you come in contact with a “sandpaper person”, does it merely irritate you, or do you allow God to use that “sandpaper” to smooth off your own “rough edge” thoughts and reactions? 
  • Do I portray one thing inside the doors of the church and another when I walk out of the church? 

These are tough questions, but understand, I am just sharing what the Spirit is asking ME.  (You’re welcome…haha)

So that the ministry WILL NOT BE DISCREDITED.

DISCREDITED <momaomai> (passive tense – the subject is the receiver of the action) to carp at; to blame; find fault with; mock at.  (DIC) carp: to find fault or complain habitually and fretfully 


  • Why do I get involved in ministry? 
  • Is it to bring glory to God, or to receive kudos from man? 


When authentic ministry is accomplished, it is ALL about bringing glory to GOD and not to myself.  For a gal who has struggled most of her life with what people think of her, this is a hard truth, but honestly, worrying about what people think about me is so prideful, making me my own “idol” – I am serving “me”.  Ouch…like a lot.  


I am to live in such a way that the ministry of the Gospel is not criticized.  I know that in this day and time in which we live, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is scoffed at and criticized so often, but this is saying that my life is not to be one of the reasons people find fault with Jesus.  I am called to be His ambassador, and I am not to bring shame to the office representing His Name.  

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors,
as though God were making his appeal through us

We implore you on Christ’s behalf:
Be reconciled to God.”  
~~2 Corinthians 5:20~~


Consider the word “reconciled” — (DIC) reconciled:  to restore to friendship or harmony : settle, resolve : to make consistent 

  • Are there any areas in your life that are the cause of you being out of step with the Spirit of God? 
  • What thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions could be causing you to be distanced from intimacy with your Lord? 

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you areas in which your life
needs to be reconciled to Him and then repent and surrender anew to Him.

This next phrase is what pushed over the first “domino” in my head. Why is Paul commending himself and his companions”, when we are called to be humble?

But in everything COMMENDING ourselves as servants of God. 
(Hmmmm…that sounds a little
opposite of humbling…)

COMMENDING <synistemi> (participle — this is an active, “-ing” word, not a one-and-done action)  to set together; by implication, to introduce favorably, or to exhibit; to stand near 

HOLY MOLY!!  “To set together” just rang my bell…big time!  I have been studying Matthew and this past week we studied where Jesus said to his disciples, do not be like the scribes and Pharisees…”for they say things and do not do them.” (Matthew 23:3)  

I can remember my Grammy saying, “Honey, that just doesn’t set well with me”.  Well, I don’t want any inconsistencies between my walk and talk to make the Gospel not “set well” with another person, thus giving “cause for offense”.  I want my life – words and actions “set together” – to prove how Jesus can change a person.  I desire to exhibit His saving and His sanctifying power.  

In this verse, <synistemi> means to teach by combining and comparing, with the result being to show, prove, establish, exhibit.  


As a servant of God, my talk and my walk must be “set together” – combining my walk and my talk to be a consistent testimony for God – and being able to compare how I live with the truth of the Word and have it “set together”. 

Our lives are to be lived in such a manner as to …  

  • (DIC) show:  to cause to be seen; to point out or direct attention to; inform, instruct
    • Does my life cause Jesus to be seen…or does it direct attention to myself as I endeavor to inform/instruct people about Him?  A big ouch from this recovering people pleaser… 
  • (DIC) prove: archaic, to learn or find out by experience; to establish the existence, truth, or validity of by evidence
    • Does the manner in which I live out my life provide enough evidence to others to prove that Jesus is real and that He can change lives from the inside out?  

“If you were brought into a court of law on the charges of being a follower of Jesus,
would there be enough evidence to convict you?”
(If you’re like me, right now you are choking a bit on THAT “food for thought”). 

  • (DIC) establish: obsolete, to settle; make firm/stable; to introduce and cause to grow and multiply; to put beyond doubt
    • Does how I live my life – in both talk AND walk – “put beyond doubt” any question that I belong to Jesus?
    • Do my actions encourage the growth of God’s kingdom or am I working to grow my own “kingdom”? 

Actions tattle on hearts.
  “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it,
~~Proverbs 4:23~~ 

  • (DIC) exhibit: to present to view; to show/display outwardly, especially by visible signs/actions; to have as readily discernible quality/feature; to show publicly to demonstrate

PAUSE TO PONDER the word “demonstrate”. 

I think back to a several years ago, when my friend Lisa had repeatedly told me about Norwex cleaning cloths.  I would listen to what she had to say and then just keep using what I had been using for years.  Until one day, she brought her Norwex cloths to actually “demonstrate” how they work.  I was sold!!  And I have been using the product ever since.  Our lives are to be “demonstrations” of the mercy, grace, love, and power of the Living God.  If we live up to the “name”, others will want what we have, and that will help grow and multiply the Kingdom of God.   

As SERVANTS of God, in much ENDURANCE,

SERVANTS <diakonos> attendant; to run on errands; service rendered to which one is devoted.  

Servants of GOD, not servants of self. 
No man can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.
~~Matthew 6:24~~ 

ENDURANCE <hypomone> cheerful endurance and constancy; the character of a man who is unswerved from his liberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings

When I think about “swerving”, my mind goes to when I am driving in the car.  There have been times when something off to the side of the road catches my attention.  My focus drifts in that direction, and so does my car!  (Thank the Lord for rumble strips!! haha!)  We are called to be people who are unswerved from our deliberate purpose – those good works God has prepared in advance for us to do.  

You steer where you stare.

AFFLICTIONS <thispis> pressure; pressing together


Have you ever found yourself in a tight spot?  You know, the one where you’re in a situation from which there appears no way out?  Your mouth is dry, your hands are dripping with sweat, your heart is pounding ~~ You know, a tight spot where you “feel the pressure”.  

Now with that in mind, consider a sponge.  When pressure is applied, you find out pretty quickly what that sponge has absorbed.  It’s the same for us, isn’t it?  When we are under pressure, what WE have absorbed is squeezed out of us.  If we are walking in the fullness of the Spirit, our reaction will reveal that; conversely, if you are walking full of “self” and you are pressed by circumstances, that will also be revealed.  



In the times that Jesus walked the earth, the oil within an olive was extremely valuable and very necessary – for light, for healing, for sacrifice, for anointing, for perfumes.  But, have you ever considered how the oil is retrieved from the olive?  An olive press.  It’s through the pressing of the olive that the wonderful oil is released.  Check out this link explaining the pressing process  (yep, the science nerd in me has reared her head…LOLhttps://youtu.be/nVENKLP82X8  

When we are pressed, is it the oil of the Holy Spirit that comes out of us?  

HARDSHIPS <anagke> constraint; being checked, restricted or compelled to avoid or perform some action; to force by imposed stricture, restriction, limitation; calamity

  • (DIC) constraint: to secure as if by bonds
  • (DICcalamity: a disastrous event marked by great loss and lasting distress and suffering : a state of deep distress or misery caused by major misfortune or loss

DIFFICULTIES <stenochoria> narrowness of room; dire calamity; extreme affliction; a disastrous event marked by great loss and lasting distress and suffering; deep distress or misery caused by major misfortunes or loss.

That was a lot of information, I know; but I pray that as you read, you also did the work necessary to make sure that you have not received but grace of God in vain.  My prayer for myself, and for you, is that no matter what hardships we face, the way we face them will not bring shame to our Lord.  

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