I am ADOPTED by God

KarenBible Study, DevotionalsLeave a Comment

 The dictionary defines “adoption” as taking someone by choice into a relationship; the act or process of giving official acceptance or approval to something.   As believers, we have been adopted into God’s family!  Let’s dig in and discover what that means.

One of the richest Gospel passages that reveals the blessings associated with our adoption as children of God is found in Ephesians 1:3-14.  I read a commentary that so well described the work of the Trinity in our adoption, I just had to share some of it with you. (Commentary by A.R. Faucett ).


  • We are chosen to holiness (v4).
  • We are chosen to sonship (v5).
  • We are chosen to acceptance (v6)


  • We have redemption (v7).
  • We have knowledge of the mystery of His will (v9).
  • We have an inheritance (v11).


  • We are sealed by Him (v13).
  • We have Him dwelling within us as a token of what is to come (v14).

Take a minute to read the passage below.  

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us 
in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms.
For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world 
to be holy and blameless in His presence. 
In love, He predestined us for adoption as His sons 
through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will…” 
~Ephesians 1:3-5~  

Pause.  Read that again.  Let it sink in.  We weren’t an afterthought.  We weren’t chosen on a whim.  Before the creation of the world, before the fall of man, God chose us to be His children.  We are no longer slaves, we are sons and daughters of God!!!  He loves us!!!

To close out this blog, I want to share something that just tickled me as I did my word-study through this passage.  In the original language, the word “blessed” means to speak well of and to bestow favor.  Can you imagine God looking at down at us from heaven saying, “Hey, see that person right there?! He’s MINE!”.  We belong to Him!  We have been adopted!!!   

Here’s a link to a song by Zach Williams called No Longer Slaves.  Give it a listen and praise your Father for adopting you!  

Zach Williams – No Longer Slaves (Live from Harding Prison)

Join me next week as we unpack “I am SET APART for God”.  

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