A Peek into the Heart of God

KarenDevotionals2 Comments

So yesterday morning as I was driving on a road near my home, I saw a little brown, scruffy looking dog in the middle of a busy road.  As unsafe as it was for me to slam on the brakes and put the car in park (I was acting on instinct here – I adore any kind of critter, especially if they’re in an unsafe situation) that’s exactly what I did.  When I opened the car door to attempt to get the dog into my car, it ran.  

Fast forward to this morning.  Mike was leaving for a work meeting, and when he pulled out of the garage, he looked the direction of our out-building.  Well low-and-behold, there was the little brown dog all curled up by the window of the building.  Mike parked his truck and slowly tried to approach the dog.  Again, he ran.  

Fast forward again to this afternoon.  Mike was home from his meeting, and I was in the kitchen preparing something for us to eat before he headed back out the door.  He yelled out, “that little dog is on the sidewalk right off the back porch!”.  I quickly grabbed some dog treats and proceeded to, as quietly as possible, unlock the back door to go out, trying to lure him to me with the treats.  As soon as the screen door creaked, again, he ran.  

You know, it’s “funny” the things God can use to give us a peek into His heart for people.  Since I saw this little lost dog yesterday, I have been unable to get him off my mind.  My heart has been breaking for him.  He’s not home.  It’s cold outside.  He’s probably hungry.  And yet, not knowing that I desire to help him, when I try to get close, he runs. 

I see the danger he is in, and yet he is unwilling to be “caught”.  He doesn’t understand that I have the things that will meet his needs.  I want to love on him.  To give him a home if no one claims him.  His salvation is so close, and yet, he repeatedly runs.  

I wonder if that’s not how God feels watching lost people wander around this world.  He sees their condition.  He knows He has what they need.  Salvation.  A home.  A family.  Food.  Water.  Love. 

As I sit here, I am praying that God would burden my heart for lost people, as much it has been for that little brown dog.  Oh Lord, I desire to see through Your eyes.  Break my heart for what breaks Yours.  

Oh, and one more thing.  To show you how much God orders our footsteps, I was supposed to be at my daughter’s house hanging out yesterday morning.  I was almost to her house when she texted that she wasn’t feeling well and wanted to postpone our “hang” to today.  So I turned the car around to head home.  If those circumstances hadn’t occurred at just that time, I may not have seen that little brown dog, and I would have missed God using him to give me a peek into His heart for people.  God indeed orders our steps. 

2 Comments on “A Peek into the Heart of God”

  1. I LOVE situations like that where with our finite minds we are allowed glimpses of how our awesome God is at work orchestrating ALL things! And what comfort that gives us! He NEVER stops caring for us, teaching us, encouraging us! Thanks for the reminder. 💖

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