A Road Less Traveled

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

Her ways are pleasant ways,
And all her paths are peace.
~~Proverbs 3:17~~

I’ve been doing a study on “shalom” and this morning I came across Proverbs 3:17 as I studied.  As usual, I always begin by looking at the definitions of the key words in their original language.  As I did, I got so excited!!!  Check this out!

So, as often is the case in the book of Proverbs, wisdom is personified as a lady.  So, the first phrase “her ways are pleasant ways” is talking about the way of wisdom.  So, in Hebrew the word “ways” (derek) is a road (as trodden); fig. course of life.  Wisdom’s ways are pleasant (no’am) suitable, agreeable.  Wisdom’s words and wisdom’s ways are suitable to a child of God.  This is talking about how the course of life a child of God takes is agreeable (in line with) the Word of God.  

Ok, on to the next phrase “all her paths are peace”.  When I looked up the word “paths”, I expected to see (derek) again, but nope!  Paths (nathiyb) is from an unused root meaning “to tramp”; a beaten track.  Well, here’s where my mind was running faster than my fingers could type.  LOL  

Think of going through the woods and choosing a way not many (if anyone) has gone before. You have to “beat down” the weeds and overgrowth to make a clear way to walk. Wisdom’s path isn’t frequently trodden, so it takes effort to walk that way.  Wrong (weeds, overgrowth) that could trip you up or block your way needs to be “beaten down” and cleared from your way.

That is a picture of the way of wisdom. It takes effort.  We have to beat down the lies, the fleshly thoughts and feelings, the subtle deceptions of the culture that may block your course of life (derek) from being pleasant (no’am) and suitable to the child of the Lord Most High.  

Make the effort.

Walking in the way of wisdom is hard.  No doubt about it.  But if walking with Jesus was easy, He wouldn’t have said “take up your cross and follow Me” (Luke 9:23). I also think of the passage in Matthew 7:13-14 that says “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”  

Take up your cross.  Difficult is the way.  Choosing to walk in the way of wisdom is challenging and hard.  BUT today I will focus on beating down the things that could trip me up in my walk with my Lord.  Sure hope I’m less klutzy spiritually than I am physically.  LOL

Oh!  One more thing just hit me! As I am beating down the brush to clear my path, I will use the Word of God because it is “SHARPER THAN ANY DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD“!!!  

Have I mentioned lately that I. LOVE. GOD’S. WORD!!!!!!!

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