Are You Hungry?

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

One day a while back, Mike and I went out for breakfast. After I had enjoyed bacon, eggs and a waffle, we left the restaurant to run some errands. As we were getting into the turning lane to go to Dicks, my eyes landed on the sign that lists all the stores in that plaza. Among them was Noodles and Company. Reading that restaurant name jogged my memory of driving past that sign a week before, when I thought, “Yum! I will have to stop there some time”; however, today it held zero allure.

Why the different reaction??  Well, the other day when I drove past that sign, I was hungry. Today I was not. I had just eaten and my hunger had been satisfied.

It was then that the Holy Spirit got to teaching. You see its the same way with sin. When we choose daily to spend time in the Word, we are then filled with the fullness of God — our souls are satisfied and sin holds little to no allure to us. But when we don’t spend time with God, allowing our souls to become hungry, we become susceptible to things this world has to offer. Sin becomes enticing when our spirits are hungry.

Sin becomes enticing when our spirits are hungry.

So the moral of the story is this. Avoid soul hunger. Pull up to the table of the Lord often, filling your soul with the meat of the Word. Because when your spirit is full, it’s a certainty you will see the sinful things of this world with a whole new perspective.

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