Can you identify?

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Can you identify?

So, you go to this restaurant and enjoy a great meal. You can’t wait to share with your friends about the place so they can enjoy it too. You describe what you had, what the ambiance of the restaurant was like…you share all the details, wanting your friends to visit the restaurant and enjoy it too!

Or say you’re Christmas shopping and you get the most amazing deal at this one shoppe. You can’t wait to spread the word about this store so your friends don’t miss the great deal; you may even call or text them while you’re shopping! You just don’t want them to miss out!

Or how about this…you’re reading the best book! You can’t wait to tell other people about it so they get a copy and read it too. You may even pass your copy along to a friend. You just want them to read the book.

Can you identify? I sure can.

So let me ask you this then…

Why don’t more people share with others details about a good “spiritual meal” they partake of as they daily study the Word of God and spend time with the Bread of Life?

Why aren’t we telling others about the “best deal EVER” — the one we received as Jesus paid the price for our redemption?

Why aren’t we sharing with others about the Best Book we’re reading–the Bible?

Could it be we’re not “dining” at God’s restaurant and enjoying the meat of the Word, and you can’t share about what you haven’t enjoyed yourself?

Could it be that you haven’t received the “Most Amazing Deal” yet, so there’s nothing to share?

Could it be that you aren’t reading the “Best Book EVER“, and you can’t recommend what you haven’t read?

So, if your answer is “yes”… 

What are you gonna do about it?

I know many people look toward the New Year to attempt to build a new habit or a healthier lifestyle.  My question is, “Why wait?”  Every day is brand new, full of new mercies (Lamentations 3:22-23).  We aren’t guaranteed “tomorrow”.  So make your changes now, while it is still called “today”.  

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