Fear? or Faith?

KarenBible Study, DevotionalsLeave a Comment

As I continue to study my way through the Psalms, I read Psalm 11 this morning, and I found something very practical.  We observe in this Psalm that it can be broken down into two main divisions.  In verses 1-3, David describes the temptation he faces to give into fear.  Then in verses 4-7, he lists the arguments that kept … Read More

How Did I Miss It?!

KarenBible Study, DevotionalsLeave a Comment

I have read Psalm 8:1 so many times over the years.  I have sung the song that includes the first phrase of the verse.  I have even blogged about it.  I’ll include the link below if you missed it.   Anyway, this morning the last phrase of this verse jumped off the page at me.  In fact, I was drawn … Read More

Who’s Your Go-To?

KarenBible Study, DevotionalsLeave a Comment

Read Psalm 3 and meet me back here. The backstory of this Psalm is found in 2 Samuel 15-18, if you want to check that out.  David was running from his son, Absalom. To get the fullness of this Psalm, I would give that a read. DAVID’S PRAYER “O LORD, how my adversaries have increased!Many are rising up against me.Many … Read More


KarenBible Study, DevotionalsLeave a Comment

As I’ve been pondering changes and improvements God has been laying on my heart to make in this New Year, He brought to mind a group study my husband and I led years ago where one of the sections centered on worshiping God.  One of the activities we were to do was to read a given list of verses from … Read More

Relationships and Thoughts

KarenBible Study, DevotionalsLeave a Comment

So I have chosen this year to dedicate my personal study of the Word to the Psalms and Proverbs.  Today was Psalm 1.  I saw a couple principles that rose to the surface.   Read Psalm 1.   RELATIONSHIPS The first principle referred to our relationships affecting our life choices.  The Psalmist is warning the reader to make wise choices as with … Read More

What Makes You Anxious?

KarenBible StudyLeave a Comment

As I continue my study through Matthew 5-7, the focus passage for today’s blog is Matthew 6:25-34.  Give it a read and meet me back here!   Jesus began this section of verses with the phrase “Therefore, I tell you…”.  As usual when we see the word “therefore” we need to figure out what it’s “there for”.  Jesus had just finished … Read More

Ask. Seek. Knock.

KarenBible StudyLeave a Comment

I’m continuing on in Matthew and this morning, I came to Matthew 7:7-11.  Give it a read and meet me back here.  (If you’re wondering why I’m not providing the Scripture , it’s because I want you to develop the discipline of reading the Scripture for yourself, before you read what I wrote).  Ok…did you read it?   As I studied … Read More

How You React Matters

KarenBible Study, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

When I read 2 Corinthians 6:10 and studied my way through it, so many things impacted me.  The phrase “as sorrowful yet always rejoicing” reminded me of the example that what a sponge is filled with will come out when it is squeezed.  Sorrowful is a passive participle.  We are the receiver of the sorrow-ING; it’s something that comes from … Read More

Judge Not

KarenBible Study, DevotionalsLeave a Comment

Give Matthew 7:1-6 a read and meet me back here.   This passage of Scripture, one phrase in particular, has been quoted by both believers and unbelievers.  “Judge not, that you be not judged.”  What exactly did Jesus mean when He said that?  Let’s dig in and see what we learn.   Do not judge, so that you will not be judged. … Read More

When the Familiar becomes New

KarenBible Study, DevotionalsLeave a Comment

As I sat here this morning, continuing on in Matthew, I was struck with something that I didn’t see coming.  But isn’t that just like our God to take a familiar text and teach us something new?  Love Him so much.   So today I was focusing on Matthew 6:5-8.  Give it a read and meet me back here.  Did you read … Read More