A Conversation with God

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So, I was reading my Bible this morning.  In Jeremiah 32:39, this phrase really jumped off the page at me.   “I will give them SINGLENESS OF HEART AND ACTION. so that they will always fear me…”  In the passage, the disobedient and idolatrous nations of Israel and Judah were being exiled to Babylon as God’s wrath was being executed … Read More

The Feeding of the Five Thousand

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READ John 6:1-13 The feeding of the 5000 is a well-known story in the Gospels, but I have to wonder if we are so familiar with it that we lose some of the hidden gems to be found there.  Let’s slow down and really look at the different facets found here.   In John 6:10, Jesus said, “Have the people sit … Read More

Another Rabbit Trail

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“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree; they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon” ~~Psalm 92:12~~ In my last blog, I followed a rabbit trail and shared a bit about my study of a palm tree.  I mean if I’m told in Scripture that I will flourish like a palm, I better know something about a palm, right?  … Read More

Rabbit Trails

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Well, I was studying in 1 Peter this morning, and let me tell you, I learned A LOT!  Thank you Lord!!  You know, it’s “funny” how as you study, you may sit down to search out a certain topic, or study a certain passage in depth, but God’s lesson plan is completely different.  That was the case for me today.   … Read More

He Didn’t Ask.

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READ 2 Chronicles 35. So as I read chapter 35 of 2 Chronicles this morning, I began picking up on certain phrases…“according to the instruction written by David king of Israel and by his son Solomon…” (v4), “doing what the Lord commanded through Moses…” (v6), “as the king had ordered…” (v10), “as it is written in the book of Moses…” … Read More

Lessons from the Bees

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Every now and again something comes across my path that really impacts me, and when it includes anything in nature, that makes it even better!  I came across this short writing not long ago and I knew I needed to share it with you.   ___________________ My dad has bees. Today I went to his house and he showed me all … Read More

When My Shelves are Empty

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“But godliness actually is a means of great gain  when accompanied by contentment.   For we have brought nothing into the world,  so we cannot take anything out of it, either.  If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content.   But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap,  and many foolish and harmful … Read More

Psalm 11:4. Hmmmm…

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Did you ever read something in the Bible, and it just made ya go, “hmmmmm….”?  Well, Psalm 11:4 did for me today. “The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven; His eyes see; His eyelids test the sons of mankind.”  I’ll start off with what I did understand from this verse.  The fact that hit … Read More

Are You Hungry?

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Have you ever been hungry for something, and you keep snacking, trying to figure out what will satisfy you?  Yeah, me too.  Well, guess what?!  I found it!  This morning I’ve been studying the Beatitudes in Matthew 5  (or as I like to call them, the Be-Attitudes, smile). God stopped me at verse 6 and challenged me to sit in … Read More

Prove It!

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Have you ever been reading the Scriptures, and God prompted you to stop and dig, but you didn’t understand why?  That happened with this verse today.   “But each one must prove his own work,  and then he will have reason for boasting  in regard to himself alone,  and not in regard to another.” ~~Galatians 6:4~~ As usual, I started out … Read More