Praise from a Prison

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So this morning I was reading selected verses that went along with Thanksgiving and Worship.  As is my usual habit, I began to dissect each passage to see what God had for me in it.  Well, let me tell you, Acts 16:25-26 hit me like never before.  Check this out. “But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing … Read More

Rainy Times

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So I was listening to music, and Bring the Rain (Acoustic) by Mercy Me played.  As I listened to the chorus, “Bring me joy, Bring me peace, Bring the chance to be free…”.  These lyrics resonated with my spirit.  Until the next phrase was sung, and the lyrics hit my heart.  Dead. Center. “Bring me anything that brings You glory”. The Spirit … Read More

Asa’s Prayer

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“Then Asa called to the Lord his God and said, “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you.” The Lord … Read More

What are you doing?!

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“Who will say to Him, ‘What are You doing?’” ~~Job 9:12~~ “What are You doing?!”  Being perfectly honest, there have been times this question has echoed through my heart as I couldn’t understand a purpose in what I was enduring. As I sat in this verse this morning, my first and prevailing thought was GOD IS GOD AND I AM … Read More

The Trip to the Haunted House

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“I have told you this so that you will have peace by being united to me. The world will make you suffer. But be brave! I have defeated the world! — John 16:33 — This verse was the main focus of a devotional I read this morning.  As I pondered the phrase “. . .so that you will have peace … Read More


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Have you ever read something, and when you were done, you found it hard to even remember what you just read?  Or how about this?  Have you read something often enough to glide right over familiar words without even really giving them much thought?  The second scenario happened to me today as I was finishing up the book of 2 … Read More

Loud and Clear

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As I was studying this morning, I heard from God LOUD and CLEAR.  You know, I have always wanted to do “God’s will for my life”, yet the concept of “God’s will for me” has remained such an elusive mystery, despite the many times I’ve asked God to reveal it to me.  The “not knowing” has left me feeling rather … Read More

Let’s Renovate!!

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Does this world and its ways make your head spin?  As you look around, does nothing make sense anymore?  As I was reading in Romans 11-13 this morning, I found myself really pondering Paul’s words in light of our culture.  I’m going to share an excerpt from my journal, and I pray you can follow this old gal’s train of … Read More

When You Find What You Didn’t Know Was Lost

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WHEN YOU FIND WHAT YOU DIDN’T KNOW WAS LOST So I was finishing up the book of 2 Chronicles this morning, and as I read chapter 34, something really popped out to me.  Check out the passage below (emphasis is added to the things that really struck me).  “14 While they were bringing out the money that had been taken … Read More

Satan’s Graffiti

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As I was reading through the book of Job in The Message, Job 14:4 stopped me dead in my tracks. Check it out … “You graffiti my life with lies…”  While I know that this phrase was used by Job to describe what his “friends” were doing to him in an attempt to explain why he was going through so … Read More