A Life Lesson

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I was reading Luke 12:22-34 this morning, and I came away with some bullet points.   Don’t worry about temporal things. Be giving; it fills your eternal money belt. The location of your treasure tattles on your heart.  God has a way of using multiple sources to teach us lessons we need to learn.  One such source was a devotional I … Read More

How’s Your Reputation?

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Have you ever read a portion of Scripture that really made you pause and look within yourself to examine your life?  Well, that happened to me as I read  1 Thessalonians 1 today.  I was struck by the reputation of the people of the city of Thessalonica as described by Paul.  Their work was produced by faith. Their labor was … Read More

Wants…Needs…and a big fat OUCH!

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So, I was driving along in the car yesterday, listening to K-Love.  As is usually the case, my mind wasn’t following any particular train of thought…well, honestly, my mind was all over the place…LOL.  Sometimes my thoughts move from topic to topic so fast I find it hard to keep up!  LOL  Anyway, as I was “kinda” listening to the … Read More

But what about my schedule?!

KarenDevotionals2 Comments

I’m sure you have had times in life where your schedule gets so full, you don’t know how you’re gonna get everything done.  Looking back, I remember a time when, over a short period of time, what started out as just a few manageable things on a list grew into a crazy, busy schedule that lasted for weeks.  That probably … Read More

Walk Humbly

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So I was reading in Micah this morning and came across a familiar verse.   “He has told you, mortal one, what is good;  and what does the Lord require of you,  but to do justice, to love kindness,  and to walk humbly with your God.”  ~~Micah 6:8~~ While I spent time doing a word-study, I won’t bore you with … Read More

When Gratitude is Hard to Come By

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“Soon the people began to complain about their hardship…” ~~Numbers 11:1a~~ The people began to complain about their hardship. Hardship??…really???  They’d been freed from captivity…CAPTIVITY!!  They had been liberated from cruel SLAVERY.  Captivity and slavery…now THAT’S hardship!  Craving what you don’t have (fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks and garlic) and being bored with what you do have (manna) is NOT hardship…that’s … Read More

This Morning’s Musings

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“Lord, You are my God.  I will exalt You and praise Your name,  for in perfect faithfulness You have done wonderful things,  things planned long ago.” (Isaiah 25:1) “Lord, You are MY God…”  Notice how personal.  You are MY God.  You have Him and He has you!!  How cool is that??!!! “Lord, You are my God. I WILL…” I “will”.  … Read More

A Peek into the Heart of God

KarenDevotionals2 Comments

So yesterday morning as I was driving on a road near my home, I saw a little brown, scruffy looking dog in the middle of a busy road.  As unsafe as it was for me to slam on the brakes and put the car in park (I was acting on instinct here – I adore any kind of critter, especially … Read More

Holding People at Arm’s Length

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I’m tellin’ ya…1 Thessalonians is full of good stuff!  If any of you know me well, you will know that I am a loner at heart, but once again God is reinforcing that there’s more to living the life of a believer than my on-going relationship with God through the Holy Spirit and His Word.  In chapter two of 1 … Read More

Spiritual Principles

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This morning as part of my study time, I read 2 Kings 5-8.  I thoroughly enjoyed this section of Scripture.  There was practical spiritual truth to be gleaned.  Here are a few of the things that found their way into my journal.  I pray this encourages your heart as much as it did mine.  Ok!  Here we go! In chapter … Read More