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Last year I did a devotional plan through YouVersion called, The Shocking Truth About You, Me And Barabbas.  Today I revisited what I journaled the Saturday before Easter as I paused to think about Barabbas.   The Name “Barabbas” I didn’t realize that Barabbas’ name means “son of a father” (“bar”, son – “abba”, father).  Think about that!  “Son of a … Read More

Sunshine and Snowflakes

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I was sitting at my kitchen table ready to dive into God’s Word, when He decided to use sunshine and snowflakes to teach me a lesson about myself and my purpose.  Two main things popped into my mind.  Every snowflake is UNIQUELY DESIGNED by God, and so am I. “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in … Read More


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Read Mark 6:30-52 There’s so much good stuff in this passage, but today, the Spirit led me to focus on the relational aspect of Jesus with His apostles, more than on the miracles.   “The apostles gathered together with Jesus,  and they reported to Him all that they had done and taught.  And He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves … Read More

Lessons from Genesis 24

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So this morning I was reading in Genesis 24 about the story of Abraham’s servant being sent to Abraham’s homeland to find a wife for Isaac. The Spirit was talking up a storm to me. Here are a four lessons He taught me.  Check it out! NUMBER ONE – RELATIONSHIP DRIVES OUT FEAR When the servant was told what he … Read More

Skiing and Spiritual Growth

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Ok, with that title you’re probably thinking I’ve finally lost it (haha), but bear with me and hopefully this will make sense to you.  Stretch your mind with me as I draw an analogy between skiing and the Christian life.   When you first decide to go skiing, you acquire all the necessary equipment: skis, boots, outerwear, goggles, etc.  You get … Read More

Store up!

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This morning I was reading in the book of Proverbs and something JUMPED off the page at me. Two little words that packed a big punch. Check it out… “My son, keep my words and STORE UP my commands within you.”, Proverbs 7:1 “Store up” — do we truly remember what we learn from Scripture…storing it away as something that … Read More

If you will…then I will

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In studying my way through the Scriptures, I was impacted by 1 Kings 6:12-13 this morning.  It held an “IF you will”, “THEN I will”.  Check it out. “Concerning this house which you are building,  if you will walk in My statutes and  execute My ordinances and  keep all My commandments by walking in them,  then I will carry out … Read More

When Storms Hit

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Life has been rather stormy for me in the past 24 months, and honestly, I have found myself stunned in the wake of the waves.  In February of 2021, I lost my dad suddenly and was thrust into taking responsibility for my mom who had dementia.  Then in November of that same year, I lost my aunt who I had … Read More

Are You Hungry?

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One day a while back, Mike and I went out for breakfast. After I had enjoyed bacon, eggs and a waffle, we left the restaurant to run some errands. As we were getting into the turning lane to go to Dicks, my eyes landed on the sign that lists all the stores in that plaza. Among them was Noodles and … Read More


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My “wow!” this morning.  So I’ve been studying, meditating on and journaling on Philippians 1:20. “According to my eager expectation and hope, that I will not be put to shame in anything, but that with all boldness, Christ will even now, as always, be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” The phrase “with all boldness, Christ … Read More