Conduct Yourself in Fear

KarenBible Study, DevotionalsLeave a Comment

Honestly, I almost skimmed over this verse; that is until the Spirit started speaking.  In short, He said, “Karen, if you fear God, watch how you treat other people.  As you “judge” them, know that God is judging you as well.  How you live your life here on earth speaks very loudly about what you think about your God”.  I was kinda stunned.  I never really considered myself “judgy”, but apparently God had a different opinion on the matter if He highlighted this verse for me.  So I dug in to see what He had to teach me.

As I unpacked this verse, I looked at the first thing that the verse established.  Because I am a believer, God is not only my GOD, but He is my FATHER, and He is also my JUDGE.  As Judge, He is perfectly just and impartial.  He is full of grace, and He is full of truth.  He is the perfect balance of the two.  Never heavy handed on either one.  

Here’s some truth the Spirit impressed upon my heart.  Although I may look at people or situations and think I can discern what’s going on, there is no way I can.  First of all, I am unable to see behind the scenes or inside people’s hearts.  Secondly, there is no way I can separate myself from my emotions enough to judge anyone justly and impartially.  Thirdly, even if I could do those things, it’s not my place.  


So, since I “call on (God) as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds that should have an effect on my conduct.  


CONDUCT, <anastrophē> in the Greek language, means manner of life, behavior, conduct.  It’s important to note that this verb is in the passive voice (I am the receiver of the action) and the imperative mood (it’s a command).  I am to submit to the Spirit’s influence in my thoughts and feelings, in my actions and reactions.

  • Manner (of life) means a person’s characteristic or customary mode of acting.  This encompasses your habits. For example: Are you selfless or selfish?  Are you stingy or giving?  Are you hardworking or lazy?  
  • Behavior means anything that involves action and response to stimulation; the response of an individual to his environment.  This encompasses reactionsFor example: You can choose to behave or to misbehave.  You can choose to respond or to react to a situation.  
  • Conduct is the act, manner, or process of carrying on; management; a mode or standard of personal behavior especially as based on moral principles.  This encompasses how you manage yourselfFor example: Do you base your life choices on what God says or what you feel is best?  

FEAR<phobos> in the Greek language means  reverence, respect (for authority, rank, dignity).  Let’s look a some definitions for clarity.

  • Reverence means honor or respect that is felt for and shown to (someone or something); honor or respect felt and shown : deference
  • Respect is a relation to a particular thing or situation.  It’s an act of giving particular attention, consideration, or special regard to someone or something.  It’s to hold someone in high esteem.  It’s to express your regard for someone by your deference to them.  
    • Authority is the power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior.  It refers to persons in command.  
    • Rank  is the relative standing or position of someone.  It’s a degree or position of dignity, eminence, or excellence.
    • Dignity is the quality of being worthy of honor or respect.  It’s the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed.  It is used to describe someone of high rank, office, or position. 
  • Deference was mentioned both in the definition of reverence and in that of respect, so I wanna make sure I understand exactly what it is.  To show deference is to yield and submit to the wishes of a superior or an elder.   

So when I am tempted to put on my “judgy pants”, I must remember my place.  I am the created, not the Creator.  God is God, and I am not.  I am the child, and He is the Father.  He is the King of Kings and is the ONLY One who has the authority and the wisdom to judge anyone righteously and justly.  I must submit and defer to God.  

One last thing. I want to circle back and highlight something I mentioned earlier.  The verb “conduct” is in the passive voice.  In our humanness, “conducting ourselves in fear” would be impossible. God knows that though our spirit may be willing, our flesh is weak.  So God wrote it the way He did to reveal to us that it’s only through working of Spirit within us that we are able to obey His command to have the proper reverence and respect for God.   

Don’t you just love Him so much?!!!

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