Deuteronomy 6:6-7

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What struck me this morning as I read this passage was that God said that the words He commanded them were to be on their hearts.  Then He went on to say that they were to  diligently teach His commands to their children.  God even got real specific as to “when” — when you sit in your house, when you walk on the road, when you lie down, and when you get up.  That’s pretty much during all waking hours and during all activities.  

Pause to ponder why God told them to put His commands on their hearts before He told them to diligently teach their children.  Jesus taught in Matthew 12:34 that “out of the heart the mouth speaks”.   What’s on our hearts will find its way out in our conversations.  Think about your conversations.  How often does Jesus find His way into them?  Let’s face it, we talk about what we are interested in.  We share stories about people we love.  

What I always saw as a “child-raising” passage, just got real personal.  I’m left to ponder, what do my conversations throughout the day reveal about my love for Jesus?

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