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Last year I did a devotional plan through YouVersion called, The Shocking Truth About You, Me And Barabbas.  Today I revisited what I journaled the Saturday before Easter as I paused to think about Barabbas.  

The Name “Barabbas”

I didn’t realize that Barabbas’ name means “son of a father” (“bar”, son – “abba”, father).  Think about that!  “Son of a father” was released, while the very Son of God was crucified..  

The Insurrectionist or The Prince of Peace

I read an article by Hope Bolinger on the Bible Study Tools website.  In it she drew attention to the fact that Barabbas was an insurrectionist, fighting to break the power of Rome over the Jewish people, while Jesus was the peaceful Son of God who came to break the power of sin and death over all people.  

What a Difference a Week Made

Having seen Jesus’ miracles and heard His teaching, the Jewish people, just a mere week before Jesus’ trial had laid down their robes and palm branches as Jesus entered the city on the colt of a donkey.   They shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest!” (Matthew 21:9).  So what in the world changed in their minds?  

The Perspective of the People

I have to wonder if, after seeing all that Jesus did and heard all that He taught, the people had been thinking spiritually at all, or if they were just seeing Jesus as the one who could deliver them from Roman oppression.  

Self-serving Opinions

When they observed Jesus’ trial, and He chose not to defend Himself, did the people think that Jesus had no moxie?  So when they were given the choice between Barabbas, known to be a zealous insurrectionist who had fought against Rome, and this silent Jesus, they chose Barabbas, based on the fact that it appeared he would be more politically effective in the fight for their freedom against Roman oppression.  


PAUSE TO PONDER  The church I used to attend did an annual Easter cantata, The Day He Wore My Crown.  It was a wonderful time of reflection as we all acted out the last week of Christ’s life.  In the scene where the crowd chose Barabbas and were crying out, “Crucify Him!”, no one wanted to be part of the large group of people saying “Crucify!”, but instead wanted to be among the few who spoke up for Jesus.  I’ll never forget the feeling of hearing, “Crucify Him!” shouted, loudly, angrily, over and over.  It still hurts my heart.  

As I sit here this morning though, I have to wonder what I would have been doing if I had lived during the time of Jesus.  

    • Would I have seen the reality of who Jesus is, or would I have been looking for temporary, earthly comfort?  
    • Would I have been living with eternity in view, or with just today’s comfort in view?  
    • Would I have seen who Jesus really was?

What Will I Choose?

Every day I have to choose the lens through which I see this world.  Each day, each thought, each feeling is an opportunity to choose to see life through a spiritual lens, seeing God’s perspective and living accordingly.  Make the wise choice.  Choose Jesus, not Barabbas.  Choose the eternal over the temporary.  

So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. 
Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer
~~2 Corinthians 5:16~~ 

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