Every Good and Perfect Gift

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

Not long ago I did a two-part study on the “what” and the “why” of trials taken from James 1:2-4.  If you haven’t read those yet, I’ll include the links to those at the end of this blog post.   

So, after James talked about trials,  temptations, and evil desires, why does he then seem to shift gears and suddenly start talking about “every good and perfect gift”? 

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, 
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, 
who does not change like shifting shadows.
~~James 1:17~~ 

Is James just changing the subject or is there a connection we are supposed to see?  Honestly, I think that he is contrasting sin and evil desires with the trials that God sends or allows.  Let’s look at some definitions to see if there is anything else we can glean from this verse.  

The Greek word for “good” <agathós> means useful, which “sin giving birth to death” (James 1:15) could never be.  So James wants us to understand that we can’t put “trials” and “temptations” in the same basket because they have different sources and outcomes.

Let’s look at the Greek word for “perfect”.  <Teleios> means lacking nothing necessary for completeness. This tells me that I am given everything I need to grow in Christ and serve Him faithfully—His blessings are “perfect”, lacking nothing for completeness!  As I pondered that, the Spirit brought these two verses to mind.  

For I am confident of this very thing,
 that He who began a good work in you 
will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
~~Philippians 1:6~~

And God is able to bless you abundantly,
 so in all things at all times, having all that you need
you will abound in every good work.”
~~2 Corinthians 9:8~~

The next definition I looked up had this word nerd so excited!!  Haha  Check THIS out!!  The word “abound” <perisseuō> in 2 Corinthians 9:8 in the Greek language was often used of a flower going from a bud to full bloom.  How’s that for a word picture that will help you remember this concept?!!!  

And if you’ll indulge me pushing that analogy a bit further, think of what it takes for a flower to bud and then to come to full bloom — sunshine, water and heat.  So for us spiritually, we need to be in the SONshine daily—we need to drink in the water of the Spirit of God—and we need the heat of trials to continue the sanctification process in our lives — going from the bud of new birth in Christ to the full bloom of looking and loving like Him. How cool is THAT?!!!!

Now sista, get to bloomin’!!!  

Here are the links to the study on Trials.

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