I saw so many things as I studied through Revelation 1:9-10.. The first thing was how John’s circumstances weren’t a deterrent to his willingness to be used by God. He was exiled but effective. That is an encouragement to my heart that I can be effective wherever God places me.
John was exiled yet effective.
John stated in verse 10, “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day”. I paused to ponder what “in the Spirit” meant. I looked up the Greek word for “in” <en> and found that it denotes a fixed position (of place, time, or state). If something is “fixed”, it is securely placed or fastened; not subject to change or fluctuation. John’s connection to God was secure, regardless of his circumstances. Another facet of <en> denoted instrumentality. Pause to ponder the word “instrumental”. Webster defined it as serving as a crucial means, agent, or tool. John is saying that the Spirit is the crucial means and agent in what he is about to pen. The third facet of <en> (now this part was what excited me!!) – A RELATION OF REST!!!! To be in the power of, to be put into action by the Spirit, to be inspired by the Spirit is REST; not because of “where you are” but because of the fixed position of being in relationship with God!!! That truth brought to mind “MY peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give you” (John 14:27). The world’s “peace” is circumstantial, from the outside in. God’s peace is relational, from the inside out. That’s why John was able to have rest and be effective for God in spite of being in exile.
The world’s “peace” is circumstantial, from the outside in.
God’s peace is relational, from the inside out.

In New Testament times, Patmos was destined for criminals and political prisoners. Convicts were allowed relative freedom to roam the island, but most had to provide their own food and shelter, and all were guarded from leaving by Roman soldiers. Many on that island died of exposure, violent attacks by other convicts, or starvation. In one of the articles I read about Patmos, it mentioned that historical records state that the church at Ephesus sent food to John while he was there.
While John was exiled by the world, he was not forsaken by God.
While John was exiled by the world, he was not forsaken by God, and neither are we. Because as believers, we are “in the Spirit”, we can find comfort and peace in the assurance that God knows exactly where we are. Because of being “in the Spirit”, we can be confident that God can use us despite our circumstances.
“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from Your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, You are there.
If I make my bed in the depths, You are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there Your hand will guide me,
Your right hand will hold me fast.“
~~Psalm 139:7-10~~