Facts about Fear, Number Two

KarenBible Study, DevotionalsLeave a Comment


Everyone deals with fear at some point in their lives.  I have picked five main facts about fear.  In the last blog we looked at Fact Number 1.  Let’s take a look at Fact Number 2 today.  


“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. 4 In God, whose word I praise– 
in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
~~Psalm 56:3-4~~

The first thing that struck me with this verse is the word “when”.  It doesn’t say “if”, like it might happen; it says “when”, like it’s coming, brace yourself.   God in His caring wisdom has given us verses like this to point us in the right direction–when fear comes a’knockin’.

Fear and trust CAN’T cohabitate in the same heart at the same time.  We learned that fear is feeling from Joshua 1:9.  Now let’s dive into learning what trust looks like.  

Trust is an ACTION.  The Hebrew word for trust <batach> means to hie (to go quickly to, or to hasten to) for refuge.  

Trust is a CHOICE.  When those hard, fearful times come, do we run to God for refuge, or do we turn to Him after we have exhausted all other options for relief and refuge?  

Trust is a PERSPECTIVE-SHIFTER.  We also learn from this verse that, if we quickly turn to God when we feel afraid, it adjusts our focus on where it should rest – on God.  The phrase “in God, whose word I praise” tells us that, If we are in the Word—if we’re praising God using the truth of the Word, our focus will be on Him and not on our fearful feelings or situations.  Perspective  shifts when we are praising! 

Hie and Hallelujah!!  

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