Fresh, warm bread

KarenDevotionals, RevelationLeave a Comment

4 But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 
5 Therefore, remember from where you have fallen, 
and repent, and do the deeds you did at first; 
or else I am coming to you and I will remove 
your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.
~~Revelation 2:4-5~~

This passage is a part of the address God made to the church at Ephesus.  God commended them in verses 2-3 for laboring with perseverance, for not tolerating evil, for testing the authenticity of people who claim to be Christian leaders, for their endurance because of Christ’s name, and for not becoming weary.  And then came the “BUT” in verse 4 – “you have left your first love”.  Does it make you wonder what God would say to you?  What would your positive commendations be?  What would your “but” be?  

As I read today’s passage, I saw a checklist of sorts that would help you figure out your own personal “but”.  .    

STEP ONEREMEMBER is an imperative.  The Greek word is (mnemoneuo) which means to hold in mind, to keep in mind. Sometimes I think we remember the wrong things and forget the things we should remember. At least I am guilty of that. I sat here this morning and tried to remember what I was like right after getting saved. I accepted Christ after school on April 15, 1977.  When I woke up the next morning, I noticed that nature had come alive to me. I don’t remember noticing bird songs before, but that morning they seemed so loud and so beautiful. I also remember feeling lighter than air. I know now that feeling was because I knew my sins were forgiven and I was a new creation!  As I ponder those things that I remember, I see that I still am tuned into nature, but that lighter than air feeling has waned. This really saddens and convicts me, because I am as forgiven today as I was then. Seeing how I have changed since then shows me that I need step two.  

STEP TWOREPENT also is an imperative. The Greek word is (metanoeo) which means to perceive afterwards; to change one’s mind. As I pause to ponder this, I see why God put “remember” first.  There can be no repentance unless I first remember how far I have fallen. I certainly need to change my mind (metanoeo) when it comes to my circumstances. I am allowing them to rob me of the lighter than air feeling I remember enjoying when I first accepted Christ into my life.

STEP THREE DO THE DEEDS YOU DID AT FIRST. As I studied this phrase, what really hit me was the definition of “at first”.  The Greek word is (protos) and it means foremost in time, places, order, or importance; the former, previous, pristine. I understood the first two words listed (former, previous), but I wondered what pristine had to do with it. The dictionary defines pristine as, “belonging to the earliest period or state”.  Ok…then I read the second part of the definition, “not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization)”.   BAM!  That’s why pristine was used.  I have allowed “civilization” to creep into my heart and mind, neglecting to see my circumstances through a spiritual lens. Just wow, and oh my.  As I sat here pondering this, the Spirit prompted me to look at antonyms of “pristine. There was only one – stale.  STALE!!!  What comes to your mind when you think of the word “stale”?  For me, bread comes to mind.  Think of how fresh, warm bread draws your attention and makes you want a slice to eat; while stale bread holds no allure. We are to remember, repent, and allow the Spirit of God to make us fresh, warm bread again in order to draw others to Him.  

Yep…today was a wow…and an ouch to me.

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