KarenBible StudyLeave a Comment

Psalm 62 really impacted me this morning. The phrase “God ALONE” was used two times.

“My soul waits in silence for God ALONE

“He ALONE is my rock and my salvation”. 

I see this as emphasis NOT to turn to things or people to lessen your stress and/or help you through life.  

Psalm 62:8 is an admonition to me and was so so powerful.  

“Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your hearts before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah” 

Trust Him ALONE at ALL times. I did a little word study on this verse and oh my word! It was a WOW!!!!  

  • To “trust” (batach) means to hie for refuge. (Hie means to CAUSE ONESELF to go quickly). 
  • All” (kol) all, any, EVERY
  • Pour out” (sapak) to spill forth to form a mound of earth OR (catch this!!!) to pour out melted material into a mould. 
  • My “heart” (lebab) inner man; mind, will, heart
  • Refuge” (mahase) shelter, hope

I have to CAUSE myself to go quickly to God with things. The definition of “pour out” was such a WOW for me. When I get so emotional that I feel a “meltdown” coming on, I must pour out my emotions into God’s mould, allowing Him to reshape my perspective and shelter me from myself and my circumstances. Just wow…

God is NEVER the variable;
I am, for I must
cause myself
to go quickly to Him
and not try managing life
on my own, in my own way.  

This reminds me of the time we were on a bike trip in TN.  It was raining (which happens at times when on a bike), but we had prepared for that with rain gear.  Anyway, we were driving along in the rain and all of a sudden I felt something hitting my helmet and stinging my arms, hands and legs.  HAIL!  We went a short bit down the road and saw an old abandoned cabin with a lean-to connected to it.  We pulled over and ran to stand under the lean-to.  We had to pull over and run quickly to the lean-to in order to be sheltered from the sting of the hail.  It didn’t make the hail stop, but it did provide relief from the sting of the elements outside.  

A shelter doesn’t change the weather;
it just shields you from its harshness.

The same goes for God.  Run to Him.  He may not change your circumstances, but you can rest assured you will find shelter from the harshness of what you’re going through. 

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