How God Works

KarenBible Study, Devotionals, Hebrews1 Comment

So I was finishing up the last day of a week-long devotional plan on YouVersion called Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures.  It was teaching about God as the Good Shepherd.  Today, the Scripture was “He is My shepherd, and he shall fulfill all My purpose” while saying to Jerusalem, “You will be built” and to the Temple, “Your foundation will be laid.”  ―Isaiah 44:28. Attention was drawn to “and he shall fulfill all My purpose”.   So here’s this wicked king (Cyrus) fulfilling God’s purpose.  Hard to grasp how something good can come for God’s people from someone so wicked.  But God made it happen.  

The devotional ended with a question.  “Looking back on your life, what are some events or who are some people God has used to shepherd you off of one path and onto another for your good?“.  Well, having misread the question, I “pondered” in a direction that the question didn’t intend me to go, but God did.   

In misreading the question, I was pondering how God has used bad circumstances in my life for my good.  Attending the church where I was raised had caused me so much angst and pain, BUT GOD allowed me to meet my husband there. I was hurt and betrayed by people in a particular Bible study group I was a part of for years, BUT GOD allowed me to meet a cherished friend there, as well as Him also using that time to fan the flame He had put in my heart to dig deep into His Word. With those examples, God is challenging me to look  at losing my job of 13+ years through a different light. Does it hurt?  Yes. Is it scary being unemployed?  You betcha.  BUT I serve a God who can take the bad and use it for my good and for His glory.  As I waited for direction from Him regarding the next leg of my journey, I chose to reflect on His goodness.  

Another thing that the Spirit showed me is that misreading that question that morning was my Shepherd nudging me to shift my gaze away from my circumstances and toward Him. He reassured me that, just like He guided and directed my footsteps in the past for my good, He will guide and direct as I move forward. I’ve been focused on where I am, instead of on where He’s taking me.  How’s that for a wow?  Man, this sheep loves her Shepherd.   

Oh, and one more thing…this blog is the direction in which the Good Shepherd nudged me.  How cool is that?!!

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