In this world of changing values and opinions, it is so easy to allow “the world” to determine my value and worth instead of rooting myself into who God says I am. We are bombarded so many times each day, whether by songs that play on the radio, by shows we choose to watch on tv (and don’t even get me started on the commercials!), or by the comments that others make to or about us. Why is it so easy to buy the lies!?
I truly believe it’s because we have become too lax in reviewing over and over what the Bible says about us.
To battle the mindset that buys the enemies lies, I decided to take several weeks to work my way through a list of “who I am in Christ“. I hope you will join me as we study through these markers of our identities as sons and daughters of God Most High.
“I am CHOSEN by God”
“…even as he chose us in Him before the foundation of the world…”
(Ephesians 1:4)
The word used here for chose (eklegomai) means picked out and selected for oneself. This same word was used by Jesus when He referred to the twelve disciples that He chose to follow Him (John 15:16). I don’t know what comes to your mind when someone uses the word chosen, but it brings to my mind how in elementary school I was never chosen to be on anyone’s team for kickball at recess. It was more who would get stuck with me (I wasn’t very good at sports–haha).
There’s another layer to this word chosen though, and we find it in the fact that this verb was used in the middle voice (which denotes that the subject is both an agent of the action and somehow concerned with the action). Why does that add to the meaning? It adds to it because it means that God chose me, but not on the merit of who “I” am, but solely on the fact that the ground of the choice lies in Christ and HIS merits.
I did absolutely nothing to merit being chosen.
After my usual word studying, I moved on and read some commentaries. One of the commentaries outlined the work of the Trinity in the Gospel (Ephesians 1:3-14). It thrilled my heart so much I wanted to share it with you all!!! Check this out!!!

In this topsy-turvy world of ever-changing standards of how to measure “good enough”, we can shake off the insecurities and the judgments of the world by focusing on the fact, I am CHOSEN by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And that choosing cost God something – the death of His only Son. You are worthy because you are CHOSEN in Christ, before you did anything good or bad. Being CHOSEN makes you good enough!