I Have To Do It All

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

For by the grace [of God] given to me I say to everyone of you 
than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, 
as God has apportioned to each a degree of faith 
[and a purpose designed for service].” (Emphasis, in caps, mine)
~~Romans 12:3 (AMP)~~

I was struck HARD by this verse this morning.  I felt such conviction over the level of pride I have allowed to take root in my heart without even realizing it — convicted for allowing the thought, “I am responsible for doing it all”, to take residence in my mind.  

The emotional pressure I experience at the hands of the “I have to do it all” mentality is totally self-imposed.  Entertaining thoughts like this have been used by the enemy of my soul to keep me burdened down, tired, and joyless.  Let’s be honest, “I have to do it all” is a heavy burden to carry, and it’s one Jesus never intended for me.  Pause to ponder Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:28-29 (NLT) —“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you. Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”  

If these verses were a conversation between me and Jesus (which they really are…), here’s how I imagine the conversation would go.  

Are ya weary?… yep

Carrying heavy burdens?…uhhhh, yah

Need rest?…yes please!

Then let Me teach you…okay

No, I mean it.  LET Me teach you.  Allow what I’m going to teach you to seep into the most inward places of your heart and mind.  Allow My teaching to change you from the inside out….ok Jesus, I’m ready… teach me

You’ve been doing so many things that are burning you out mentally and physically, things that I never assigned you to do.  And not only that…you’ve been doing them in your own strength instead of in Mine.  Will you allow me to teach you how to live this Christian life and serve Me MY way?  I guarantee you My way will be easy to bear, and the things I assign you to do will feel light because I will be attached to the same yoke right beside you.  Will you allow me to give you rest…? (I nod…)

As the teaching commenced, the Spirit circled me back to Romans 12 — “don’t think more highly of yourself [and of your importance and ability] than you ought to think”.  I have always struggled with My “importance” or lack thereof (haha). I’m not smart.  I’m not good enough to be “important”. I don’t have this long list of people in my circle.  I’m only important if I am supporting “so and so’s agenda”.  How often thoughts like that swirl in your mind, huh?  But you know, by “letting” Him teach me, He reminded me that my “importance” has nothing to do with me or with anyone else here on earth — it has EVERYTHING to do with HIM.  

My importance is rooted in nothing more than the fact that God chose me for a purpose.  HIS purpose and no one else’s.  GOD equipped me for that purpose by giving me certain abilities.  HE did that; I had nothing to do with it apart from accepting His invitation for salvation and then following Him, working alongside (being yoked to) Him, and doing what the Spirit prompts me to do.  

John 14:16 puts things in perspective —“You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit…”. 

GOD chooses.

GOD appoints.

GOD apportions.

Fruit grows.

Oh Abba, I began this day feeling stressed and under so much pressure.  Thank You, Spirit of God, for opening my eyes.  Today, I’m one step closer to the joy-filled, abundant life that Jesus died so that I may live.  I know there are thousands of steps to take, many moments of painful surrender, numerous “deaths to self” as I become more like Your Son.  So my prayer is, “Teach me Your way Lord, I will walk in Your truth; Direct my heart to fear Your name [with awe-inspired reverence and submissive wonder].” —Psalm 86:11 AMP.

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