Learning from the Blue Jay

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

God created such beauty for us to behold in this world.  And I’m sure it’s by design that I learn so much from spending time observing his creations.  

This morning, after going out to feed the birds, I settled in at the kitchen table to do my study.  Since I hadn’t closed the wooden door —I know that’s not energy efficient, but if I can’t BE outside, I at least need to SEE outside, haha— I saw a blue jay come to the mound of birdseed I put out, and he proceeded to eat. 

As I watched that blue jay, I saw him peck some seed then raise his head and look all around him.  It was then that the Spirit gave me an “a-ha!” moment.  You see, as that bird stood there eating seeds, it was looking around, always aware that there are things out there that could harm it.  (It wasn’t that long prior to this morning that a hawk had swooped under my porch roof and grabbed a blue jay for his lunch.  That did not make me happy, but God reminded me the hawk had to eat too). 

Anyway, I had two spiritual take-aways from watching the blue jay eat this morning. 

1).  Just like God wired the blue jay with the instinct to look for seeds to eat in order to sustain it, so God wired me as a follower of Jesus to get up in the morning and “eat” (have my quiet time).

2).  (This one really impacted me).   As I saw that blue jay, so aware and alert to the fact that there may be hidden dangers and perhaps sneak attacks by another bird, it struck me that I also need to be aware of how satan and his minions are around, waiting for the moment I let my guard down.  The Bible says “Be clear headed.  Keep alert.  Your accuser, the devil, is on the prowl like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8 CEB). So today, let’s take our cue from the blue jay. 

Be fed by the Word. 
Be alert that the enemy of your soul wants to take you down.  

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