Satan’s Graffiti

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

As I was reading through the book of Job in The Message, Job 14:4 stopped me dead in my tracks. Check it out …

“You graffiti my life with lies…” 

While I know that this phrase was used by Job to describe what his “friends” were doing to him in an attempt to explain why he was going through so many hardships, God used it to really speak to me. 

I struggle big time with how I view myself, and my opinion of myself really can bring me down.  But God used this one short phrase to shed light on what the father of lies has been doing in my heart and mind lately. I am guilty of buying the lying whispers of the enemy of my soul.  

As I pondered this phrase, I found myself crying out to God for His help to guard my heart and mind.  Without the help of His Spirit, I would not be able to identify the lies of the enemy, let alone have the strength to fight the lies with God’s truth.  

When I consider identifying the lies of the enemy, what comes to mind is how, in order to spot a counterfeit, a special agent will study the real deal.  That’s exactly how we can spot the lies of the enemy.  By being so familiar with God’s truth that the lies stick out like a sore thumb.  

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to fighting the enemy’s lies, I fail so often, which leaves me feeling so inadequate.  Wanna know why I fail?  It’s because I am attempting to fight in my own strength.  God’s word says, “Be strong in the Lord and in HIS mighty power.”, not my own mighty power, Ephesians 6:10.  

Well, no more!  I have decided to wash the evil one’s graffiti out of my mind and replace it with God’s truth.  For every lie, I will dig into the Word to find its counter.  I will memorize it, so that when Satan gets out his paint can, ready to graffiti my mind with his lies, I will be ready to fight back with the truth!  

God’s word tells us, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you”, (James 4:7-8).  I choose to take God at His word. There’s a bridge of a worship song (Sons and Daughters) that really speaks to my heart.  

When the lies speak louder than the truth
Remind me I belong to You
When I can’t see past the dark of night
Remind me You’re always by my side

North Point Worship – “Sons And Daughters” (Official Lyric Video)

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