Lord, You Amaze Me

KarenBible Study1 Comment

So let me start off by saying, Lord, You AMAZE me!!  

I have been working to develop the habit of praying as soon as I awaken, before my feet hit the floor.  This effort has not been without distractions hurled at me from the enemy of my soul.  Things like, wondering how cold it is this morning, trying to recall my to-do list for the day, knowing I should get up and feed the critters, wanting to roll over and grab my phone.  

This morning as I began talking to God, the Spirit reminded me to praise Him, recalling His attributes before I “asked Him” for anything (another habit I am working on developing).  As I began to praise Him, I kinda got stuck.  Even though I had just finished a study of God’s attributes, nothing was coming to my mind.  But then, the Spirit brought to mind the line of an older worship song, written by Michael W. Smith.    “Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth”.  I continued my praise, prayed, and got up to start my day.  

After I fed the critters, took my meds, and made my coffee, I sat down at the kitchen table to enjoy my time in the Word and to do the devotional plan I am currently doing. Ok….here comes the amazing part…are you ready?!  Among the verses I was to read in the devotional plan was Psalm 8:1.  

“Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth,
Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens.”

Say what?!!!  That is exactly what the Spirit laid on my heart to praise God for before my feet hit the floor!!!  How cool is THAT?!!  GOD AMAZES ME!!

As I word-studied my way through this verse this morning, God revealed some things to me.  One thing was the phrase, “Oh Lord, OUR Lord”.  That denotes relationship.  Without a relationship with God, it’s impossible for a person to “see” Him the way that a believer sees Him.  

You can know about God without ever really knowing God. 
(Make sure this doesn’t describe you.) 

Another thing that impacted me was found in the word “majestic” (‘adîr in Hebrew).  This word means wide or large, powerful.  (‘Adîr) was often used to describe the waters of the sea.  

Pause to ponder that.  Do you remember the first time you saw the ocean?  What was your response?  Was it awe at seeing its beauty?  Was it amazement that you could actually swim in that great expanse of water?  Was it respect for the power of the water?  I remember feeling all of those things. 

Considering the definition of “majestic” in this verse, David is saying that we need to acknowledge that our God is wide, and large, and powerful.  His name – (šēm) – His individuality, His honor, His authority, His character – is MAJESTIC.  All that God is, is wide, is large, and is powerful.  

What comes to mind is the prayer that Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus.  He prayed that through the Spirit in their inner being, they would have the power to “…grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God”, Ephesians 3:18-19.   Those descriptive words used of the love of Christ sounds a lot like the wide, large, and powerful of “majestic”, doesn’t it?  

Let me leave you with a couple questions.  

NUMBER ONE:  Do you have a relationship with God?  Can you say, Oh Lord, MY God?  If not, please reach out to me.  I would love to share the gospel message with you.  

NUMBER TWO:  If you are a believer, when is the last time you slowed down (both physically and mentally) to think about, to grasp the magnitude, the majesty of your God?  To sit long enough in the truth of all He is for it to create such an awe of Him that praise is the response of your heart?  

“Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth”! 

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