Love ~ Sincere and Fervent

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

As I meditated on this verse, several questions rose to the surface in my mind.  

  1. Why did Peter feel the need to connect “obedience to the truth” with a “purified” soul? 
  2. What exactly is a purified soul?  
  3. How does Peter define love?
  4. What’s the difference between “sincere” love of the brethren and “fervently” loving one another from the heart? 

Let’s see if the answers can be found by digging into the verse phrase by phrase.   

Since you have in OBEDIENCE to the truth.  Obedience <hypakoē> in the Greek language means obedience, compliance, submission.  Let’s look at those definitions.

  • Obedience is the willingness to do what someone tells you to do or to follow a law, rule, etc. – to follow the commands or guidance of– to conform to or comply with 
  • Compliance is the act or process of doing what you have been asked or ordered to do – to conform, submit, or adapt (as to a regulation or to another’s wishes) as required or requested
  • Submission is to stop trying to fight or resist something – to agree to do or accept something that you have been resisting or opposing

PAUSE TO PONDER the nuances of those words.  They indicate an inward surrender accompanied by an outward behavior changeIs it possible to conform outwardly without having an inward heart of surrender?  I would say yes, it is.  Take for example, in the parable of the prodigal son, there were really TWO prodigal sons: the prodigal son who, being honest and owning his choices, left home; and then there was prodigal son who stayed home, doing what was expected, but inwardly there was not a heart of surrender to the father. He “appeared” submissive, but his heart was far from it.  He didn’t have the same heart as the father. He was angry at the grace of the father toward the son who left.  

The answer to question 1 – “Why did Peter feel the need to connect “obedience to the truth” with a “purified” soul?” – Outward obedience must be accompanied by a heart of inward surrender.  

your SOULS
.  Let’s start off by clarifying that the soul <psychē> is the seat of the feelings, desires, affections, aversions, and it is not dissolved by death.  The soul is the eternal part of you.  The word for purified <hagnizō> means to purify, purify morally. 

  • Purify is to make something pure: such as, to clear from material defilement or imperfection, to free from guilt or moral or ceremonial blemish, to free from undesirable elements
  • Pure is to not be mixed with anything else; clean and not harmful in any way

PAUSE TO PONDER. When I think of the phrase “not being mixed with anything else” what comes to my mind is where the Bible talks of having an undivided heart.

Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; 
give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.”
~~Psalm 86:11~~

I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them;
 I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.” 
~~Ezekiel 11:19 ~~

“I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, 
but that you may live in a right way in
undivided devotion to the Lord.”
~~1 Corinthians 7:35 ~~

The answer to question 2:  “What exactly is a purified soul?”  The purified soul is the eternal part of you that is wholly devoted to the Lord.  The purified soul has a soft and pliable heart, ready for God’s reshaping.  The purified soul is one in which their devotion isn’t divided between “self and God” – between “secular and spiritual”. 

For a sincere
LOVE of the brethren
Love in this phrase is the Greek word <philadelphia>, which in the New Testament was used to describe the love which Christians cherish for each other as brothers in the faith.  In the Vulgate (the Latin version of the Bible), amor fraternitatis are the words used for love in this phrase..  Fraternitatis is where we get the English words “fraternal” and  “fraternity”. 

  • Fraternal means of or relating to brothers – made up of members who share an interest or purpose – friendly or brotherly
  • Fraternity means a group of people associated or formally organized for a common purpose, interest, or pleasure.  It’s a group of people who have the same job, interests, etc.  It also describes the feeling of friendship that exists between people in a group.

PAUSE TO PONDER.  If two people are fraternally related, they share the same father.  That applies to fellow believers who have been adopted by the Father and welcomed into the family of God.  What comes to mind when you think of a fraternity?   The commonality of belonging to the fraternity trumps any differences there may be in walks of life, ethnicities, and backgrounds.  There are strong, life-long bonds developed within a fraternity.  They protect, defend, and come to the aid of their fraternity mates.  Here are some verses that I think describe this wonderfully. 

All the believers were one in heart and mind.
 No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, 
but they shared everything they had.
~~Acts 4:32~~

May the God who gives endurance and 
encouragement give you the same attitude of mind 
toward each other that Christ Jesus had,”
~~Romans 15:5~~

“Then make my joy complete by being like-minded
having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”
~~Philippians 2:2~~

LOVE one another from the heart
.  In this phrase <agapaō> is used for love and it means to be full of goodwill and exhibit the same – to have a preference for, to wish well to, to regard the welfare of.  <Agapaō> is a feeling you have for someone that is exhibited in your behavior (doing).  The word “exhibit” means to show or display outwardly, especially by visible signs or actions – to have as a readily discernible quality or feature.  John 3:16 is a really clear example of <agapaō>. 

For God so loved (feeling) the world, that He gave His only Son (doing),
so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

The answer to question 3:  “How does Peter define love?”  Peter used two separate words to describe how we should regard fellow believers.  As a brother or sister who share the same Father and have the same goals in mind, we <philadelphia> one another, functioning with one mind and one heart.  They also <agapaō> one another by living their lives in a manner in which they not only “feel” love for God and for people, but they also “exhibit” that love.

For a
SINCERE love of the brethren.  Sincere <anypokritos> means unfeigned, undisguised, sincere; without dissimulation (hypocrisy).  Let’s look at the definition of each of those words.  

Not false or pretended.
No “love you” to your face and then gossip behind your back.

In relation to a feeling, not concealed or hidden.  
Sincere love is a billboard advertising Jesus. 
 “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, 
if you love one another.” ~~John `13:35.  

Free from adulteration; marked by genuineness.
Without dissimulation (to hide under a false appearance). 
No claiming “I love you” with no evidence to back up your claim.

FERVENTLY love one another from the heartFervently <ektenōs> is defined as earnestly, fervently doing something.  Webster defines “earnestly” as a serious and intent mental state –  a considerable or impressive degree or amount – serious and sincere, not lighthearted or playful. When you are earnest, there are NO platitudes.  There’s a BIG difference between an acquaintance saying, “love ya!” and the genuine “I really love you” of a dear, close friend.  The dictionary definition of “fervently” is very hot : glowing (as in the fervent sun); exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling.  As you feel and see the effects of the sun, so it is with fervent love.  

The answer to question 4: What’s the difference between “sincere” love of the brethren and “fervently” loving one another from the heart?”  Sincere love of the brethren is a loyal love that is felt inwardly and shown outwardly.  Fervent love is the sense of “saying what you mean and meaning what you say”, coupled with the effects of love being evident to all.  

APPLYING IT:  As I sit here taking a good hard look at myself, I am being convicted of certain areas of my life where I can’t even USE the word “love” to describe my thoughts and actions.  Right now, I’m going to step away from this keyboard, grab my journal, and allow the Spirit to shine a light in the “not so pretty” corners of my heart.  I want my life to be a billboard drawing attention to the love of Jesus.  I’m sure you do too.  Why don’t you join me in doing some introspection.  I’m sure we’ll all be glad we did.  

Since you have in obedience to the truth 
purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren,
fervently love one another from the heart,”
~~1 Peter 1:22~~

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