Peeling an Onion

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

So I was reading this morning and there is a section of this particular study guide called “Truth Encounter”. Under this section there were several passages of Scripture listed that were to be looked up. Well, little did I know that the very first passage would be one with which God began to peel another layer of my soul’s “onion” away.

 “To fear the Lord is to hate evil;
I hate pride and arrogance, 
evil behavior and perverse speech”
~~Proverbs 8:13~~

At first glance the message of this verse seemed pretty simply understood – To love God is to hate evil.  Got it!  But then God began to speak.

Do you understand what you just read, Daughter?

Yes, Abba. I do!

“(I imagine Him smiling) I don’t think you do, Child. I want you to dig a little deeper…think a little harder. Let this marinate in your heart and mind and let my Spirit speak.

Okayyyyyyy. Are you thinkin’ “word study”, Lord?

Indeed, I am.

So targeting the main words, I began to research this passage in Hebrew. I didn’t have to go very far into the verse to get to where my Father wanted my spirit to “sit awhile”. The Hebrew word for “hate” is (sane’). The tense of the verb is infinitive, which indicates an on-going action, having no end.  The word “hate” is translated as “to be an enemy of“.

 Ok Daughter, stop there…be still…listen...”

But Father, I didn’t finish looking up all the words yet!

Obey Me and stop.  Allow Me to teach you.



Ok Lord…I’m listening…

I want you to think about the word ‘enemy’.

 Hmmmm…enemy…I can’t say that I have any enemies, Lord.  I mean, there are people with whom I have a mutual dislike, but I wouldn’t label them my enemies.”

Follow the thought of ‘dislike’ for now then, Daughter.

Ok….If I dislike someone…hmmmmm.  If I dislike someone, I don’t want to think about them.  I don’t want to see them.  I don’t really even want to be in the same room with them.  I don’t have any desire to be close to them.  I certainly don’t want to spend time with them.  In fact, if I really dislike someone, I don’t even want to be reminded of them because it sparks a “grrrrrr in my spirit”.

Good.  Now understand this.  That is how you should be when it comes to things that offend Me, Daughter.

“……………..” (this is me speechless before a Holy God).

Now think…what is your reaction to the shows on tv, the music on your radio, the tv commercials, the roadside billboards?  Do those things create a ‘grrrrr in your spirit’?


And how about when you are waiting in the check-out aisle in the store, what is your reaction to the magazines so strategically placed there?  Do you read the headlines?  Are they messages that build you up?  And how about the attire (or lack thereof) of the people on the cover?  Do they fit My definition of modesty and holiness?


Now think about the people you associate with.  Do they build-up the eternal part of you, or do they tear that part of you down….?


Now Daughter, realize that ‘dislike’ can’t compare to how I desire you to HATE everything that displeases Me.  Do you see what I desire you to focus on today?  CHOOSE to see everything the way I do.  HATE what I hate…love what I love.

Yes, Abba.  I understand.  And already I am seeing how my actions and feelings have hurt and offended You.  I’m so sorry.  So very, very sorry.  Please help me.  By the same power that raised Your precious Son from the dead, enable me to live a life pleasing to You.  I desire the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to please You.  Without You Lord, I can do no good thing.  Without You, I am nothing.  Please help me walk in a way that glorifies You this day.

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