Proverbs 1:7

KarenDevotionals, ProverbsLeave a Comment

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
Fools despise wisdom and instruction.
~~Proverbs 1:7~~

This morning this passage was a part of a devotional plan I am reading with a friend.  I have read this verse many times in the past, but as I looked at it today, the word “beginning” really popped off the page to me.

In the Hebrew language, beginning (re’shiyth) means first in place, time, order, or rank; specifically, a first fruit; beginning, chief.  Ok, right now my mind is going faster than my chubby little fingers can type! Haha.  “Specifically, a FIRST FRUIT?!!  All throughout the Old Testament, we read that the first fruits (land, soil, crops, livestock) always belonged to God. So, awe, respect, reverence, and worship (yirah) actually belongs to God.  It’s due Him.  

Right now, what’s coming to my mind’s eye is runners poised at the starting line of a race, and on that starting line is painted “yirah” (the fear of the Lord). Wouldn’t it be silly if they got all geared up, poised themselves at the starting line, but never ran?  Not only are they not running the race, there is zero chance they will win the race.  All this race talk makes me think of what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9, “Run in such a way that you may win…run in such a way as not to run aimlessly”.  

You can’t win a race by just standing at the starting line.  That thought actually segues nicely into the definition of “knowledge” (da’ath) which means, in the highest sense, knowledge of God, coupled with obedience. It’s more than knowing there’s a race.  It’s more than showing up to the race.  It’s even more than poising yourself at the starting line.  “Da’ath” is actually choosing to RUN the race.  

“Yirah” (Awe, respect, reverence, and worship for God) is the “re’shiyth” (beginning) of “da’ath” (knowledge).  So, want wisdom?  Choose to do more than show up to the race. Get to running!

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