Search me, O God

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

It’s a scary thing to choose to stand –totally exposed– before God, but the truth is, whether we choose to do that or not, that is exactly how God sees us.  When God looks at us, He sees through our masks.  Our pretense may fool others, but not so with God.  We are laid bare before Him.  He sees the REAL us – our failures, our fears, our frustrations, our focus, our frailties – all of it.  

There’s a vast difference between “placing ourselves” in the position of being totally exposed before God and of God just seeing through the facade we show to others.  When we voluntarily and willingly place ourselves totally exposed before God, we are entering the place of hope, a place of potential CHANGE!  

We will never be able to change what we won’t acknowledge before God. Taking a look within–minus God–can only turn into a short-lived and feeble attempt at “self-help”.  But once we choose to invite God to search our hearts and to know our thoughts, we can then draw from His endless source of power to conform our minds to His way of thinking and then be transformed more into the likeness of His Son.  Hurtful?  Yes…most definitely.  Necessary?  Yep!  Freeing?  Absolutely!!!!  

“…you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” 
~~John 8:32~~

Will you pray with me today for God to give you a glimpse of the “real” you?  And then will you purpose in your heart to repent of what He reveals to you?  This can be a day of great change if you include God in the 24 hours called Today.  

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