Second-guessing God?

KarenDevotionals, Uncategorized2 Comments

8“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
~~Isaiah 55:8-9~~

I was drawn to this passage in Isaiah this morning, and though I have read it a lot of times in the past, I was urged to go deeper this morning.  As I looked at the Hebrew definition of “thoughts” <machashaba> a couple of things hit me.  

Mahashabah means: contrivance; (concretely) texture, machine; (abstractly) intention, plan, purpose, thought, device. The word “contrivance” held a negative connotation to me so I looked it up to make sure I knew what it meant.  Webster defined it: to devise a plan; to form or create in an artistic or ingenious manner; to bring about by stratagem or with difficulty; to manage. 

PAUSE TO PONDER how many of those words describe our God and what He does!!.

  • He devised a difficult (and painful) plan for the death, burial and resurrection of His precious Son to bridge the great divide between us in our sin and Himself.
  • He created the world in the most fascinating way!
  • He manages this world with wisdom and precision. It all holds together because of Him. 

I’m so glad I looked “contrivance” up because it allowed me to progress from “puzzled” to “praising” my God!!!!  Thank you Spirit!!! 


When I think of “higher” in the aspect of “position”, the analogy of being in an airplane flying over a city, seeing all the streets, buildings, people, etc. being God’s view of things.  Now contrast it with our view.   From my position on the earth, I can only see what is happening on the street on which I am walking (and often I can’t even see the whole street!).  


When I think of “higher” in the aspect of  “purpose”, I see that when I think and form my plans, I usually do so with my comfort in view, but when God thinks about and forms plans for my life, my conformity to the likeness of Christ is His purpose. 

“And we know that God causes all things to work together 
for good to those who love God, to those who are called 
according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, 
He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son…”
~~Romans 8:28-29~~

In light of this, I have to ask myself, “You doubt and question God’s thoughts and ways, why?!”  Oh Lord, forgive me. Help me to trust You completely, knowing that You see the big picture and that You have a purpose for me that goes beyond now into eternity. 

2 Comments on “Second-guessing God?”

  1. Thank you Karen! I needed this reminder today. When I don’t understand things that happen, my trust and faith is in the One that holds this world in His hands! God has a plan!! Reminded me of a song I would sing with Cayden sometimes – My God is so BIG, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do!

    1. I honestly don’t know how people “do life” without the Lord, Karen. When I read your comment “when I don’t understand things that happen”, what came to mind is that we can experience God’s peace even in those times because it’s a peace that surpasses understanding. We don’t have to understand to have peace reign in our hearts and minds.

      And I’m so thankful for you in Cayden’s life. You are such a blessing to all of us! (And Cayd got a double dose of that song because we sang it together too, complete with hand gestures. haha).

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