If I surveyed 100 Christians and asked, ‘Do you believe that you are a son or a daughter of the King?’, I’d be fairly confident to say 95% would resoundingly say yes. My next question would be, ‘Do you live like it?’. Do we as believers truly know what it means to live like we’re a son or a daughter of the most high King?
My dad is my absolute hero. He’s the best, kindest, most honorable man I’ve ever known. I always have and always will look up to him. Any time I have a problem, or I’m overwhelmed with stress and worry, my first thought is to call my dad. He can fix anything. I can go to him 24/7, and he somehow always knows the right words to say to make everything ok.
My husband, Jonathan, and I were gifted an anonymous monetary gift around Christmas time. We were blown away and beyond grateful. We set the check on the counter and began talking through a few of the scenarios that we could use it for. That check sat on the countertop for about two weeks until one Friday, I mentioned to him that I was going to deposit it into our savings until we decided where to use it. The next day, our furnace stopped working. We called the repair man, and he came out to diagnose the problem. It ended up being a pretty significant fix. My first response was that of a bratty child as I cried out to God, “Lord, You know this isn’t what we need right now!” We’re in the process of selling our current home and renovating/moving into a new one, and I’m already so stressed!” Immediately, the Holy Spirit prompted me, “Your Father went before you and took care of it”. It “just so happened” that the cost of the fix was almost the exact amount of the anonymous gift. I was now even more blown away.
As I considered what had just happened, I thought to myself, “Why is that shocking to you?”. I was so convicted that I’m so quick to call my earthly dad, but am I just as quick to call my heavenly Dad?
Jonathan and I have two boys, Cayd and Tyson. So often when I talk about them, they’re referred to as “the boys”. “The boys” have practice at such and such a time. “The boys” want this for dinner, and so forth and so on. Sometimes I wonder if that’s how we think our heavenly Father views us as His children. Sometimes I think we think He looks down on us and says, oh there are “the kids” and moves on to His next agenda item.
I got such a real and personal reminder through the furnace scenario that that couldn’t be further from the truth! He SEES you. He SEES me. He sees every burden. He sees every pain, physical and emotional. He sees every scar. He sees every fear. He sees every insecurity and self-doubt. He sees every victory and the battle wounds you endured to get it.
As our Heavenly Father, I’m sure it breaks His heart to know His children are suffering and hurting, and all He wants is to be our first call. He wants us to climb into His lap and say, “Dad, I need You. I can’t do this on my own”. And I know that He’s chomping at the bit to say, son or daughter, I’ve got this. I’ve got you. I let this enter your life at this very moment because I knew in the end it would be good for you. I knew this could deepen our connection. I knew you could do it through the strength you have coursing through your veins as My child. That’s what it means to be a son or a daughter of the King. It’s that of a lion cub standing, shoulders back and chest puffed, thinking he was the one who scared away the predator while he’s really standing in the shadow of the lion itself.

As believers we have a predator that stalks us daily and with very personalized attacks. He wants us to forget who we are. He wants us to doubt our heritage. As a son or a daughter of the King, we should walk through each day with our shoulders back and our heads held high because we know Whose blood courses through our veins. It’s time to take back our identity.
Written by Ashley Satterwhite