Stuck like Glue

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

All throughout Scripture we read “wait on the Lord”, but what does that mean and how do we accomplish it?  

“We wait (expectantly) for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. 
For in Him our heart rejoices, because we trust
(lean on, rely on, and are confident) in His holy name (His holy character)
Let Your
(steadfast) lovingkindness, O Lord, be upon us,
in proportion as we have hoped in You.”
~~Psalm 33:20-22 (AMP)

The word “wait<chakah> means “to adhere to”.  When I think of adhering two things together, something that comes to mind is that the two things have to be close in proximity.  You don’t “glue” from a distance.   Another thing that I see is that adhering two things together is intentional.  I also see that adhering two things is purposeful.  You don’t want them to become separated.  

This passage states that God is “my help and my shield“.  The Hebrew word used here for shield <magen> describes a small shield used for close combat.  In this verse it means that God, as it were, holds my shield.  Think about that!!!   My God, who is never surprised or taken off-guard, holds my shield to help and protect me.  Why in the world would I NOT adhere to Him?!  

The next phrase is For in Him our heart rejoices“. The word heart <leb> describes my feelings, my will, and my intellect — my inner man.  Rejoices <samach> brightens up, cheers up.  

What I’m thinking, feeling, or reasoning is cheered — made lighter and encouraged —  because I run to my God quickly, and I trust His holy character instead of leaning into my “feelings”.  Again, have a feeling without the feeling having you.  I need this on repeat in my mind.  

The last verse (22) “Let Your steadfast lovingkindness be upon us ACCORDING AS we have hoped in You.”  The words “according to” tells me that God is always ready and wanting to protect and support, but He will not force Himself on you.  

James  4:8 tells us to Draw near to God and He will draw near to you but a couple verses before it tells us that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).  It takes humility to realize that you can’t handle things on your own.  It takes intentionality to choose to go to God and “stick like glue” to Him.  God desires to be to me all that Psalm 33:20-22 describes, but I need to draw near and adhere myself to Him.  

When I feel overwhelmed by feelings or circumstances, peace and protection are available, but they are in proportion — according to –the degree of trust we have in our God.  And how do I know my level of trust in God?  That’s easy to discern.  Where do I run when I am overwhelmed?  

God IS my help and my shield.  He is the One I can trust with anything and everything.  It IS possible to override my feelings, and I can experience true peace in my soul —a peace from the inside out,  a peace that surpasses understanding, but I must draw near to Him.  It’s only then that my heart will rejoice.  

So we are left with a choice.  Adhere ourselves to God?  or drown in our own emotions and self-sufficiency?  

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