Tear Down the Walls

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Have you ever had a passage be so familiar to you that, in the “knowing”, you lose the meaning and the purpose for which the passage was written?  That was the case for me as I read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 this morning in one of the devotional plans I have been reading.  I think that as humans, we sometimes tend … Read More

If you will…then I will

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In studying my way through the Scriptures, I was impacted by 1 Kings 6:12-13 this morning.  It held an “IF you will”, “THEN I will”.  Check it out. “Concerning this house which you are building,  if you will walk in My statutes and  execute My ordinances and  keep all My commandments by walking in them,  then I will carry out … Read More

Why a Broom Tree?

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I was reading 1 Kings 19:3-18 today.  It’s funny how I can read a passage, and while I get the gist of the story, something seems to snag me.  Well today’s “snag” was the mention of a “broom tree”.   The story was that Elijah was fleeing from Ahab, just following the showdown between himself (God, really) and the priests of … Read More

Lots of Why’s

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I was reading 1 Kings 17-19 this morning, and honestly, my head was filled with “why’s” as I processed it.  So the backstory is that Elijah had confronted wicked king Ahab of his sin of idolatry and had told him that there would be no dew nor rain in the land for a long time.  God then directed Elijah to … Read More