Sunshine and Snowflakes

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I was sitting at my kitchen table ready to dive into God’s Word, when He decided to use sunshine and snowflakes to teach me a lesson about myself and my purpose.  Two main things popped into my mind.  Every snowflake is UNIQUELY DESIGNED by God, and so am I. “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in … Read More

Psalm 139:1 — God searches me.

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“You have searched me, Lord  and you know me.” (Psalm 139:1) When I read this verse this morning, the word “searched” popped off the page to me.  So in true “word-nerd” form, I looked it up.  “Searched” in Hebrew is <chaqar> and means: to penetrate, hence to examine intimately.   I looked up “searched” in the dictionary as well, and one … Read More

Treasure in Jars of Clay

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Have you ever had anyone call you a cracked pot?  No?  Well, I certainly have, and I was downright offended by the comment…until I started studying through this passage of Scripture.  Now…if someone calls me that, I merely say “thank you, God shines best through the cracks”!   “7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,  so that the surpassing … Read More

You Got a New Outfit!

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Something I read in David Platt’s book Follow Me set my mind to thinking.  His statement was: “The fruit of following Jesus is a new heart with a new mind, new desires,  a new will, a new way of relating to people around you, and a new purpose.” Well, I’ve been in the church long enough that I wasn’t surprised … Read More

Another Rabbit Trail

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“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree; they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon” ~~Psalm 92:12~~ In my last blog, I followed a rabbit trail and shared a bit about my study of a palm tree.  I mean if I’m told in Scripture that I will flourish like a palm, I better know something about a palm, right?  … Read More

Psalm 11:4. Hmmmm…

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Did you ever read something in the Bible, and it just made ya go, “hmmmmm….”?  Well, Psalm 11:4 did for me today. “The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven; His eyes see; His eyelids test the sons of mankind.”  I’ll start off with what I did understand from this verse.  The fact that hit … Read More

Am I Good Enough?

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Do you have an ongoing struggle with feelings of inadequacy, as you strive to be good enough to gain the approval of people?  Well, as a recovering “people-pleaser”, I have to admit my answer to that question is a resounding “yes”.   Well, 2 Corinthians 3:4-6 addressed my feelings of inadequacy and helped me realign my focus this morning.  Check this … Read More

A Lesson from James

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So my study this morning included James 1:4, but where God took me from there….well, let’s just say I love following rabbit trails with my Abba! “Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” ~~James 1:4~~ I learned yesterday that perseverance is the characteristic of the person who is unswerved (not changing … Read More


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“But we all, with unveiled faces, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.”~~2 Corinthians 3:18~~ Oh the word “transformed”!  My mind is going faster than my chubby little fingers can type.  Haha  In this verse, the phrase “are being transformed” <metamorphoo> … Read More

When Life is Hard

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So this past week has been a rough one for me. I have faced many hard circumstances that are so interwoven together that I found myself feeling quite overwhelmed. Well, this morning I was journaling during my prayer time, pouring out my fears and concerns before the Lord, and the Spirit brought this verse to my mind. In normal “Karen … Read More