Man is a living being (Genesis 2:7)

KarenDevotionals, GenesisLeave a Comment

This morning God brought this verse across my path.  You know, it would have been so easy to just skim over it because of its familiarity.  How often we do that.  As I paused to ponder this verse, the Spirit led me down a path where I learned, not only more about the human body, but more importantly more about … Read More

A Crow and Some Bluejays

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

I’m sitting here with the Word on my lap…coffee in my hand…feet propped up on the coffee tableā€¦just chatting with the Lord a bit before I dove into reading. I was asking Him to make His presence known to me as I spent time with Him, when I heard this fluttering real close to me. It was a young titmouse, … Read More