Where’s Your Joy Now?

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

In a reading plan I’m currently doing with my niece, I’ve been reading through the Letters of Paul.  Today I was to read Galatians 4.  After I initially read that chapter in the NASB, l was prompted by the Spirit to read it again in The International Children’s Bible.  As I read, God used this version to really shine a … Read More

Trials (Part 1)

KarenUncategorizedLeave a Comment

THE WHAT AND THE WHY OF TRIALS (Part 1) “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.And let endurance have its perfect resultSo that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.”~~James 1:2-4~~ As I sit here on my porch on this chilly June morning, Bible open, … Read More