Lessons from the Rich Young Ruler

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So, I have been reading through the Bible chronologically, and this morning I read Matthew 19 and Mark 10.  I gleaned so much from these chapters regarding following Jesus.  Give them a read and meet me back here.   So the rich young ruler had come to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain … Read More


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Read Mark 6:30-52 There’s so much good stuff in this passage, but today, the Spirit led me to focus on the relational aspect of Jesus with His apostles, more than on the miracles.   “The apostles gathered together with Jesus,  and they reported to Him all that they had done and taught.  And He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves … Read More

Bitter or Better?

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Today as I was reading Psalm 106, God shined a light on verse 7.  “Our fathers in Egypt did not understand Your wonders;  they did not remember Your abundant kindnesses;  But rebelled by the sea, at the Red Sea.”   It was sobering to me to see what God deemed “rebellion”.  Check this out. The people didn’t “UNDERSTAND” God’s wonders. The … Read More

Follow Me

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“Peter began to say to Him,  ‘Behold, we have left everything And have followed You’.” ~~Mark 10:28~~ Initial questions:  Do I understand what the Bible means by “left everything”? What does “following” look like with skin on? Backstory: a rich young ruler had asked Jesus, “Good Teacher, what shall I do so that I may inherit eternal life?”,  and Jesus … Read More

Compassion Like Jesus

KarenBible Study, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

I was reading Matthew 9 this morning and something “popped out” to me.   It was as though God was saying,  “Pay attention daughter.  I want to teach you something.” Have you ever wondered about compassion?  In Matthew 9:35-38 it says, “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom … Read More

What’s in a Name?

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“Saying, ‘What business do you have with us, Jesus of Nazareth?  Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are: the Holy One of God!’” ~~Mark 1:24~~ This verse was part of a reading plan I’m doing, and as I read it this morning, over and over–because at first nothing seemed to jump out to me, what the … Read More