Facts about Fear, Number Two

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FACTS ABOUT FEAR Everyone deals with fear at some point in their lives.  I have picked five main facts about fear.  In the last blog we looked at Fact Number 1.  Let’s take a look at Fact Number 2 today.   NUMBER TWO:  FEAR IS A LONER “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. 4 In God, … Read More

In the Night Seasons

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NOTHING comforts me like a Word from my Abba.  “I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also … Read More

The Divine Shift

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Take a moment and read Psalm 57.    My “title” for Psalm 57 would be “The Divine Shift“. All mixed in together in this Psalm were David’s circumstances (lions who devour, mean hurtful words, traps, pits dug for him); David’s cry to God Most High in whom He chooses to take refuge; and his acknowledgment that God accomplishes great things for … Read More

My Salvation and My Honor Depend on God

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“My salvation and my honor depend on God…” ~~Psalm 62:7 ~~ So this morning I was doing Day 2 on the Trusting God topical study.  I was to read Psalm 62.  As I did, all I can say is that it was a big “OUCH!!!” for this people-pleaser?  (Thank you Abba because I know the “ouch” was a growing pain). … Read More

Words Matter

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I really enjoy looking back through my journals to see what God had to say to me at different times in my life.  Looking back gives me a good measure of how (or “if”), I am maturing in my Christian walk.  I came across this journal entry this morning, and sheesh, it was as convicting today as it was the … Read More

But what about my schedule?!

KarenDevotionals2 Comments

I’m sure you have had times in life where your schedule gets so full, you don’t know how you’re gonna get everything done.  Looking back, I remember a time when, over a short period of time, what started out as just a few manageable things on a list grew into a crazy, busy schedule that lasted for weeks.  That probably … Read More

Psalm 51:1

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I’ve been reading the Scriptures chronologically.  As I read Psalm 51, my intention was to just write down any phrases that popped off the page to me and dig into them.  Well, I didn’t get very far before the Spirit stopped me.   Verse one reads… “Be gracious to me, God, according to Your faithfulness; According to the greatness of … Read More

Sunshine and Snowflakes

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I was sitting at my kitchen table ready to dive into God’s Word, when He decided to use sunshine and snowflakes to teach me a lesson about myself and my purpose.  Two main things popped into my mind.  Every snowflake is UNIQUELY DESIGNED by God, and so am I. “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in … Read More

Lessons from Genesis 24

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So this morning I was reading in Genesis 24 about the story of Abraham’s servant being sent to Abraham’s homeland to find a wife for Isaac. The Spirit was talking up a storm to me. Here are a four lessons He taught me.  Check it out! NUMBER ONE – RELATIONSHIP DRIVES OUT FEAR When the servant was told what he … Read More

You’ll Never Hit What You Aren’t Aiming For

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I was reading Psalm 107 this morning.  As I began my word-study in verse one, I began to see some really cool truths.   “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His mercy is everlasting.” ~~Psalm 107:1~~ “Give thanks” is imperative (it’s a command, not a suggestion), and it means, literally, to use (i.e. hold out) the hand; … Read More