The Divine Shift

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

Take a moment and read Psalm 57.   

My “title” for Psalm 57 would be “The Divine Shift“. All mixed in together in this Psalm were David’s circumstances (lions who devour, mean hurtful words, traps, pits dug for him); David’s cry to God Most High in whom He chooses to take refuge; and his acknowledgment that God accomplishes great things for him, sending help and salvation, favor and truth from heaven. 

I noticed that the result of crying out all of this to God Most High was a steadfast heart (inward) and praise (outward). I was especially moved by the last verse, “Be exalted above the heavens, God; May Your glory be above all the earth.”  David’s motive in all of this was that his deliverance would be for GOD’S GLORY.  

First Samuel 22:1-2 shows that David wasn’t alone in his circumstances, but he had 400 men with him.  That’s huge to note.  So often we give in to the “feeling” that we are all alone in what we are enduring, but that is a lie from the enemy. There are people standing with us, praying for us, but whether or not we find comfort in that is up to us.

In a devotional I once read, it stated,

Darkness was the perfect training ground for David’s destiny. And those difficult places we so desperately want to be done with can become good training grounds for us as well. But we must decide, will we see our dark times as a womb or a tomb? Will we fix our eyes on the truth of God’s goodness, or will we give in to hopelessness and despair?

Talk about a ka-pow to my soul. I have been experiencing some really dark days lately. The statement, “we must decide, will we see our dark times as a womb or a tomb?” was like a cup of spiritual cold water right in the face of my heart. While my circumstances may not change, my view of them CAN!!! Womb or tomb? Bitter or better? 


So much of what I have been dealing with in lately has been clouded by my past.  As I sit here pondering all that God is teaching me in this, I am being reminded by the Spirit that I am to think of “whatsoever things are true” – true means, “in real time”– not getting stuck in “yesterday”, it’s gone; not being consumed with “the future”, it’s not here yet.  The only thing that I am to allow to occupy my mind is “right now”.  (If you’re interested in checking out my word study of this passage, I’ll put the link at the end of this blog.)

I am examining my responses to the things happening in my life right now.   Honestly, my attitude and mindset has been so “me-centered”, as it has been so colored by my past.  I haven’t been staying in the “right now”, which has been sending me to a place of depression and anxiety.  And ya know, that’s exactly where the enemy of my soul wants me to be.  Well, no more.  I choose to see my circumstances as a “womb”, not a “tomb”. 

I choose to allow my circumstances to make me “better”, not “bitter”.  I choose to live in a way that will bring glory to my God!

To the glory of God ~ OR ~ To the comfort of me

What will YOU choose?

Philippians 4:8-9 Word Study

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