The Gift

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

I recently gave someone a gift.  It was–by worldly standards–quite a generous gift.  When I knew the occasion to buy a gift for this person was drawing near, I gave it considerable thought, desiring to give the perfect gift.  Once I decided what to get, I excitedly went to the store and searched for the very best that my money could buy. 

I finally found and bought the perfect gift, and I was thrilled with my purchase.  It was exactly what this person needed and better yet, it was what they wanted.  I brought the gift home and began thinking of the best way to present my gift to this person.  I couldn’t wait for them to see what I’d bought for them.  So much thought and effort had gone into my gift.  I so desired for them to know how special they are to me. 

As the day approached, I purchased a card to accompany the gift because I wanted them not only to receive my gift, but to be able to see in black and white how much I love them.   

The day finally arrived for me to give my gift, and when I did, they were thrilled!  My gift was something they had been wanting for a long time, so they were very grateful to have finally received it.  My heart soared!  I was so blessed by the joy on their face.  I was so happy to have been a blessing in their life.  

Time passed, and life went on for both me and my friend.  We each became busy with our own “stuff”.  Then one evening we ended up in the same place having dinner.  We were seated very close to one another, each enjoying the company of the folks we were with.  Because of the close proximity of the seating in this restaurant, I couldn’t help overhearing snippets of the conversations of those seated around me. 

Well in the course of the evening, I happened to hear my friend begin talking about the gift I had given them.  Now please understand that I didn’t give my gift in order to receive recognition, but to be honest, I was proud of the gift I had given and was happy to hear that, even several days later, my friend was still appreciating the gift enough to mention it to someone else.  As the conversation progressed, I heard my friend say they had purchased the gift…themselfWhat?!!!?? 

So many emotions arose within me…shock, anger, hurt. disappointment.  To be perfectly honest, I had a brief moment when I wished I hadn’t even given them the gift in the first place.  I didn’t know how I was going to react to this person after that.  I mean, that lie just rolled right off their tongue, and in telling that lie, they hurt me deeply.

I don’t know what possessed my friend to do what they did.  I really don’t.  I never would’ve thought they would do that, given their initial response of gratitude and joy that came with having received my gift.  

I could feel Satan getting a strong grip on my heart and mind where this person was concerned.  So I began to pray.  Hard.  I certainly didn’t want bitterness to take root and destroy our relationship.  

It was less than 24 hours after I had overheard that conversation, and prayed for God’s help, that the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit whispered to me.  And what He shared with me gave me a perspective on the situation that has helped me renew my mind concerning my hurt and anger.  And with that understanding came the soothing touch of His healing hand.  

Here’s what He revealed to me that day.  

Thousands of years ago Someone who loves ME very much purchased something for me that I needed.  This Someone didn’t go to a store to buy this gift with money.  No.  He went to a painful and humiliating cross to purchase my gift.  The gift that was purchased was my freedom from the death penalty I deserved for my sin.  He also provided me with a “card” because He wanted me to be able to see in black and white how much He loved me.  He planned for a long time, waiting for the perfect time and the perfect way to present His gift to me in a real and personal way.  

This special Someone was Jesus Christ.  On April 15, 1977, He presented me with and I accepted His gift…my salvation.  For months prior to that day, I had been experiencing a deep yearning for something.  I wasn’t sure what exactly I wanted or needed, but I knew I was missing something.  So you can only imagine my JOY when I accepted Christ’s gift of salvation.  And not only did I receive His gift of salvation, but He has given me His Holy Word so I can read over and over about His love for me.  

Now here’s the hurtful part to what the Spirit revealed to me that day.  The Bible says that Christ — willingly, lovingly, sacrificially — went to the cross to purchase my salvation.  He paid dearly for that gift, with His very life.  He met with me personally to give me this gift.  So can you imagine how I must make Christ feel when I have the opportunity to tell someone else about the gift I received and I neglect or shy away from doing so??  Wow…it was as though I had the very breath knocked out of me. 

I had nothing to say to God that day but “Lord, I’m so very sorry.  Please help me to love You enough and to have the boldness fueled by Your Spirit, to share with others the Gospel You paid so dearly to provide for me.”  

I haven’t been able to really shake the impact of this experience and all that I’ve gleaned from it.  And frankly, I don’t want to.  I want to feel the pain.  To me, in some small way, through reliving this pain, I am sharing in the “fellowship of His sufferings”.  I want that pain to keep me ever aware of how I must speak boldly and unashamedly about the love God has for me, and the deep love I have for Him.

If you haven’t received The Gift, please reach out to me.  You won’t be sorry.  I promise you that.  

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