Truth and Consequences

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

All choices have consequences. Some good, some not so much. Today let’s learn what we can concerning the truth about consequences.

This morning I was studying through 2 Chronicles 12 (Have I told you that I LOVE that book of the Bible?!!  It’s so full of life lessons learned from the failures and successes of those who’ve gone before.) 

Anyway (smile), in chapter 12, Rehoboam’s position as king was established and he had gained strength as a leader.  Sounds like great news, huh?  Well, it wasn’t.  You see, when you are a leader, your decisions have much effect.  And let’s face it, we’re all leaders somewhere – whether in the home, in the workplace, in the church. 

The Bible states that Israel followed Rehoboam’s lead and abandoned the law of the Lord (vs. 1).  Because they did so, God then abandoned them to Shishak, king of Egypt. Well, as the story progresses, the leaders of Israel and the king “humbled themselves”, declaring “The Lord is just” (vs. 6).  Wow, how many of us have that attitude when troubles assail us?  I know my thoughts aren’t usually “I deserve these consequences”  Just color me humbled (sigh).  

Verse seven says “Since they have humbled themselves, I will not destroy them, but will soon give them deliverance.  My wrath will not be poured out on Jerusalem through Shishak.”  (They were probably thinking, “Whew! We sure dodged that bullet!”  Thank you, God!)  But the Lord had more to say to them.  Verse 8 states “They will however, become subject to (Shishak), so that they may learn the difference between serving me and serving the kings of other lands.”  Two things struck me here:

  1. We are all serving something/someone.  Although Rehoboam was “a king” of Israel, God was “the KING” of Israel, and when they abandoned God, their KING, by being disobedient, they were in turn choosing to become subject to something/someone else.   If we aren’t being obedient to God, then we have to ask ourselves “who am I really serving?”  Sobering thought, huh?
  2. Choices always come with consequences.  While God is always eager to forgive us of our sin when we humble ourselves and repent of our wrong choices, that doesn’t mean that God is going to stop the natural consequences to our wrong choices.  “God’s wrath wasn’t poured out on Jerusalem through Shishak” but they did become subject to Shishak (vs. 8). 

You know, I love when I see the words “so that” in Scripture.  Those two little words tell me that God wants to teach us through our circumstances.  God knew that, like our own children do, we would ask “why?” when we’re told something.  So often you’ll see the words “so that” to explain the reason behind the action.  Israel would become subject to Shishak “so that they may learn the difference between serving (God) and serving the kings of other lands.”

PAUSE TO PONDER.  If we were never required to suffer the consequences of wrong choices, but only needed to humble ourselves and turn to God, how quickly do you think we’d repeat those same mistakes?  God offers forgiveness and restoration, but that doesn’t mean He’s going to eliminate the consequences.  God is loving and forgiving, but God is also just. 

For example, say a girl sins against God, has premarital sex, and becomes pregnant.  And say she is truly sorry for disobeying God’s command to remain pure, and she never has sex again until she’s married.  Does that repentance mean she’s no longer pregnant?  Of course not.  Her fellowship with God is restored, but she still has to reap the consequences of her wrong choice.

The just side of God allows the consequences, while the loving side of God forgives us, restores us, and teaches us through those consequences.  I don’t know about you, but that surely sheds some light on the “why” of the situations I find myself in at times.  

After reading this passage this morning, I don’t think I’m going to look at my circumstances in quite the same way as I have before. 

Thank you God for your faithfulness in teaching me about You and Your Ways.  I love You so much Father. 

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