This Morning’s Musings

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

“Lord, You are my God.  I will exalt You and praise Your name, 
for in perfect faithfulness You have done wonderful things, 
things planned long ago.” (Isaiah 25:1)

“Lord, You are MY God…” 

Notice how personal.  You are MY God.  You have Him and He has you!!  How cool is that??!!!

“Lord, You are my God. I WILL…”

I “will”.  That’s a CHOICE, not a feeling.

“Lord, You are my God.  I will EXALT…” 

Exalt in the Hebrew means: to set on high – to the position only He deserves.  The dictionary definition of exalt is to raise someone or something to a higher level (we acknowledge God is GOD, and I am not) : to praise someone or something highly (we set aside for God our highest regard for God alone. He is above everyone and everything in our lives) : to present someone or something in a way that is very favorable (when we speak to others about God, we testify of His goodness).  We can never exalt God enough. He always deserves more.  

“Lord, You are my God. I will exalt and PRAISE…” 

In Hebrew, the word used for “praise” means: to profess or point out with the hand extended, to give to God thanksgiving and we celebrate–which naturally follows the acknowledgement or confession of benefits received.  Are you bold in your praise?  Do you raise your hands as much in church during worship as you do at the football game after the service? 

“Lord, You are my God. I will exalt and praise Your NAME…” 

Notice that God is exalted and praised not for what He does but for Who He IS.  How do we know that??  Because look at the next part of that phrase…

“I will exalt and praise Your name, FOR IN PERFECT FAITHFULNESS…”  

Perfect” means: complete, not to be found lacking; and “faithfulness” is a facet of His CHARACTER.   (Deuteronomy 7:9Know now then that the Lord your God is the only true God! He is the faithful God, who keeps the covenant and proves loyal to everyone who loves him and keeps his commands—even to the thousandth generation!“; Revelation 3:14These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.“)

“I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect 
faithfulness You have done WONDERFUL things…”

I love how God’s promise in Romans 8:28 supports this.  “If we are living according to His will, ALL things will work together for our GOOD.”  This promise from the New Testament is in total agreement with the phrase “for in perfect faithfulness you have done WONDERFUL things

“I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness
You have done wonderful things, things PLANNED long ago.

Nothing that happens takes God by surprise. ALL things that come into our lives have been a part of God’s plan from long ago. I love this. While things may take us off guard or by surprise, there is such peace in knowing that God’s “got this”.  In fact, according to this passage, God has “HAD THIS” from before time began.

Don’t ya just love picking apart the Scriptures!!!  It has so much to tell. And it puts such joy in my heart and peace in my mind.  Hope I didn’t bore ya with my musings.  

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