Walk Humbly

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

So I was reading in Micah this morning and came across a familiar verse.  

“He has told you, mortal one, what is good; 
and what does the Lord require of you, 
but to do justice, to love kindness, 
and to walk humbly with your God.” 
~~Micah 6:8~~

While I spent time doing a word-study, I won’t bore you with the definitions right now.  But I did I want to share with you what God impressed upon my heart as I sat in them this morning.  The Spirit asked me, 

“What would you have to change in order to walk humbly with your God?” 

As I pondered that, He directed me back to the word “walk” (halak), which means to come, to go, to converse, to exercise self.  Think about that.  That word encompasses when you leave the house, when you return home, when you talk to people (and yourself), as well as what you do.  Yep.  That’s pretty all-inclusive, isn’t it?  It’s definitely a 24/7, 365 kind of thing. 

As I walk through life, I’m not to compartmentalize God.  But if I’m being honest, I often I go about my day with an “I got this; I don’t need to bother God with this” attitude; or even doing so many things during the day “by rote” that I don’t give God room to change up my plans or my process. 

Another facet of the “walk humbly with your God” is the word “with”. It’s not saying walk humbly “before” your God, but WITH Him.  That’s relational.  If I’m walking “before” someone, I picture a “model on a runway” displaying her duds.  But if I’m walking WITH someone, we are doing life together.  We are together when I leave the house. We are together when I return home.  We are together when I talk to people.  We are together in whatever I am doing.  God again is reinforcing that “walking humbly with your God” is a 24/7, 365 thing.  So with all that said, let me ask again.  

“What would you have to change in order to walk humbly with your God?”

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