What Makes You Anxious?

KarenBible StudyLeave a Comment

As I continue my study through Matthew 5-7, the focus passage for today’s blog is Matthew 6:25-34.  Give it a read and meet me back here!  

Jesus began this section of verses with the phrase “Therefore, I tell you…”.  As usual when we see the word “therefore” we need to figure out what it’s “there for”.  Jesus had just finished teaching us to be careful about what our heart treasures and about what our mind focuses on.  He taught that we are to keep our focus on things eternal, not temporal.  Knowing our human nature’s tendency to worry, he continued to expound on that principle.  


Jesus commands (not suggests) “do not be anxious”.  The Greek word for anxious (merimnaō) means to be troubled with cares.  The dictionary defines anxious as being characterized by extreme uneasiness of mind or brooding fear about some contingency.  Did you catch the recurring theme of the MIND?  

Jesus listed five things we are not to have uneasiness of mind about.

  • Our life (psychē) – our breath.  We have no control over our next breath.  We do nothing to ensure we take our next breath.  It’s not like, if we don’t remember to breathe, we will die.  
  • What we will eat (esthiō) – what we are going to consume.  We might think that we have control over having something to eat, but everything we have is given from God.  The breath to breathe that keeps us alive to work.  The job we do that earns a paycheck.  The paycheck that purchases the food on our tables.  
  • What we will drink (pinō) – what we will imbibe.  No one creates water but God.  The water coming out of your tap was provided by God by the rain from heaven being collected and purified for us.  
  • Our body (sōma) – the body as a whole.  We have zero input on how our body as a whole functions.  I mean, a lot of us don’t even realize all the minute details of what God put in place when He created us – things that work together “just so”, keeping us going.
  • What we will put on (endyō) – in the sense of sinking into a garment, to invest in clothing.  Again, God is the one who has provided us the means to purchase clothing to cover ourselves.  The breath, the heartbeat, the energy, the job, the paycheck, etc.  


Jesus then went on to teach that even lesser things than human beings are taken care of without being troubled by uneasiness of mind.  Jesus commanded His hearers to “look at” (emblepō) the birds of the air.  (Emblepō) means to fix your eyes on and observe; to look at with the MIND and consider.  Birds don’t plant gardens, or reap harvests, or store up things in barns for the winter, and yet God provides nourishment for them, and they don’t give it a thought.  


Jesus issued another command – to observe (katamanthanō), to learn thoroughly, to note carefully; to consider.  Observe the lilies of the field.  I don’t know about you but I think lilies are just gorgeous.  If God clothes our landscape with the beauty of flowers like the lilies – flowers that don’t do a thing to earn the beauty of their “clothing” – how much more will He make sure we are sufficiently clothed.  


This next comment Jesus makes kinda hurt my feelings – haha.  He equated worry, or being anxious about things, to being of little faith.  The phrase He used is “O you of little faith” (oligopistos), and it has the feel of an exclamation addressed directly to the worrier.  (Oligopistos) means incredulous; lacking confidence in Christ; trusting too little..  

I had to look up the word “incredulous” and I kinda wish I was still in the land of “not knowing” what it meant.  It was an OUCH!  Are you ready for this?!!  Incredulous means unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true; being skeptical. 

So who’s ready to own that, when we worry, we are choosing to be unwilling to accept the truth that God will meet all my needs?  


Now that Jesus told us what not to do – be anxious, He commands us what to doSEEK FIRST.  The Greek word for seek (zēteō) meaning to seek after or aim at; to strive after.  First (prōtos) speaks of being the first in rank or position; most important.  Strive to live with your MIND focused on eternity, on God’s rule, His blessings, and His benefits.  Heaven has so much more than the best that the earth can offer.  We need to strive to live in a way that pleases God and not ourselves.  We live in a “me first” culture.  That is directly opposed to what God calls important, worthy of reward.  


The end of verse 33 gives us a promise.  If we choose to strive to make His kingdom and righteousness our top priority, “all these things” that we need here on earth “will be added to you”.  

God is a relational God.  If you are a believer, He is your Father.  He’s got you covered.  Keep Him on your mind.  Love Him with all your heart, above all else.  He promises to take care of you and one day come again to take you to live with Him for all eternity.  

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.
(Revelation 22:20) 

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