What’s in a Name?

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“Saying, ‘What business do you have with us, Jesus of Nazareth? 
Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are: the Holy One of God!’”
~~Mark 1:24~~

This verse was part of a reading plan I’m doing, and as I read it this morning, over and overbecause at first nothing seemed to jump out to me, what the Spirit pointed out was the phrase “Jesus of Nazareth“.  As I looked at this verse in the context of what was happening, I saw a demon using this phrase as a slur to Jesus! It reminded me of when Philip was witnessing to Nathanael, and Nathanael said, “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” (John 1:46). 

Matthew Henry wrote, “calling Him, Jesus of Nazareth was designed to direct the minds of people to lowly thoughts of Him, and also to plant prejudices against Him as a deceiver, because everyone knew that the Messiah must be of Bethlehem.”  

How often those same tactics are still being used today. Our culture wants to nullify the FACT that Jesus IS the Holy One of God.  I’ve heard people say that Jesus was merely a good man, or just another prophet, negating that He is the Son of God.  I hear people trying to distort passages in Scripture to make them look like the Bible isn’t consistent with itself.  While it breaks my heart to see this, and honestly it angers me as well, I look forward to the day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!  

In studying this verse, I am seeing how “truth” can be used negatively. Think this through with me.  Jesus was from Nazareth, but this truth was an insult by the enemy.  Calling Jesus “The Holy One of God” is truth, but it was used negatively to lead the people to believe Jesus was a liar.  In Exodus 20:7, God commands, “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God…”.  This demon was doing just that because that truth (Jesus is “the Holy One of God”) was being misused in order to manipulate people.  

Now let’s look inward.  Pause to ponder ways that you may be using the truths of God in a way the Lord never intended them to be used.  As I sit here examining my own speech, I am being convicted of doing just that.  How often I say things like “oh, good Lord…” in response to something someone says or does. While it is completely true that the Lord is good, I am lowering the name and the character of my God to be a mere exclamation of “hrmph”. 

Oh Father, I am so sorry. Thank You Spirit of God for speaking to me and for bringing this to my attention. Please enable me to catch myself when I do this so that I can repent and turn things around.  You are the Holy One of God and I desire to treat Your name with all the reverence and respect it deserves.

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