What’s in a Word?

KarenDevotionals, Hebrews, IsaiahLeave a Comment

This morning I began a devotional plan through YouVersion where Hebrew words are explored.  The two passages for this particular day were Isaiah 54:10 and Hosea 13:5.  

As I usually do, I read and studied the verses before reading the devotional.  I want to hear what God says to “me” before I read what He said to someone else.  As I studied my way through Isaiah 54:10, something caught my attention.  

For the mountains may be removed 
and the hills may shake, 
But My favor will not be removed from you, 
Nor will My covenant of peace be shaken,” 
Says the LORD who has compassion on you. 
~~Isaiah 54:10~~

Notice the phrase “says the Lord who has compassion on you”.  God had compassion “ON” them, not “for” them. Why did God choose “on” over “for”? I know it seems silly to look up such common, “little” words in the dictionary, but this word nerd did it anyway.  And am I glad I did!   Check this out!!  “ON” indicates position in contact with, in proximity to; while “FOR” indicates purpose or intending goal. 

What I saw there was that God is positioned in proximity to His people as a result of His compassion. “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted” came to mind. He doesn’t just feel compassion, He does something about it. He comes near and is in contact with His own. I LOVE THAT.  

After I finished my word study and journaled what God had to say, I went on to read the devotional, where it focused on Hosea 13:5.  

“I cared for you in the wilderness, In the land of drought.”

The devotional focused on how God often speaks to His children in the desert. It’s so true.  He spoke to Abraham, to Moses, and to the Israelites in the desert.  It’s in the “desert” circumstances of our lives that we tend to hear God clearer because we realize how desperately we are in need of HIM. 

James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”  It’s in our hot, dry desert times that we can draw near to Him to find relief in the shadow of His wings. And because God has compassion ON us, He’s right there, in close proximity, wanting to speak His truth and comfort our hearts so that we can find relief.  

Man, I love how the Spirit can teach so much from just one little word.

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