When Gratitude is Hard to Come By

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

“Soon the people began to complain about their hardship…”
~~Numbers 11:1a~~

The people began to complain about their hardship. Hardship??…really???  They’d been freed from captivity…CAPTIVITY!!  They had been liberated from cruel SLAVERY.  Captivity and slavery…now THAT’S hardship!  Craving what you don’t have (fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks and garlic) and being bored with what you do have (manna) is NOT hardship…that’s ingratitude plain and simple.

Listen.  When you choose to take your focus off of God’s goodness and place it on your circumstances and your feelings, or when your focus shifts away from what God has blessed you with and settles on what you seem to be lacking, it’s then you need to pause to consider what your life would be if God had NOT had His loving, protective hand in it.

Any situation, WITHOUT God,
will ALWAYS be far worse
than any situation, WITH God.

Read that again.  Any situation, without God..will always be far worse than any situation, with God. And what falls into the category of “any situation, without God”? Absolutely NOTHING!

No matter what you are facing, no matter the circumstance, God is RIGHT THERE. God will ALWAYS be right there.

God promises, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
The truth of that promise warrants GRATITUDE,
regardless of your circumstance.

If you are finding gratitude hard to come by, you need to shift your focus off yourself and on to God. Remember, ANY situation, WITH GOD is a situation where peace and joy can be found (which is EVERY situation)…but the choice is yours.  

Where will you allow your thoughts to focus…on self? or on God?

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