When It Snows in April

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

Every now and then I enjoy looking back through my old journal entries to see what God was teaching me back then and if I am still living out what He taught me.  Today was such an occasion.  Here is a journal entry from April 15, 2014.  

“So, I was thinking just now as I looked out the window and saw the snowflakes flying , “Snow…really??!!”!  Well, my first instinct was to be majorly ANNOYED.  I mean, if it was somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I’d be all about flying flurries, but now, less than 24 hours from the time I was relishing the warm weather on my back porch….uh, not so much.  My second thought was…well, more a prayer than a thought really…”God, please don’t let this cold snap damage my fruit trees.”  That’s when the Spirit of God took me to the woodshed. You see, I am a brat.  There. I said it. “Hi.  My name is Karen, and I am a brat.” 

My Father reminded me that when I was annoyed with the white stuff, I was in reality annoyed with HIM. He’s the divine Weather-Maker. And when I decided that snow was acceptable (and even desired) around the Christmas season, but “not so much” around Easter, my attitude was telling God that if “I” was in charge, snow would come at the appropriate season. How arrogantly bratty I was being. 

So, it is Easter week.  It is cold, and it is snowing; and I’m ok with that because God knows exactly what He’s doing. That is all.”

Needless to say, I see why God brought this back around to me.  Oy.  Thinking “I know best” and “my way is the right way” are hard habits to break.  

Surrendering to God’s sovereignty is not a one-and-done thing.  As with anything, you only become good at what you practice.   

“The Lord has made everything for His purpose…”
~~Proverbs 16:4~~

“(God says) My purpose will stand,
And I will do all that I please.”
~~Isaiah 46:10~~

“In everything give thanks:
For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
~~1 Thessalonians 5:18~~

“The Lord of hosts has sworn saying,
‘Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened,
And just as I have planned so it will stand’.”
~~Isaiah 14:24~~

This Is My Father’s World (Official Lyric Video) – Keith & Kristyn Getty

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