When My Shelves are Empty

KarenDevotionalsLeave a Comment

“But godliness actually is a means of great gain 
when accompanied by contentment.  
For we have brought nothing into the world, 
so we cannot take anything out of it, either. 
If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content.  
But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap, 
and many foolish and harmful desires 
which plunge people into ruin and destruction. 
For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, 
and some by longing for it have wandered away
 from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”
~~1 Timothy 6:6-10~~

When I read and studied through verse 6, what came to mind is “seek first God’s kingdom and all these things shall be added unto you.” (The “great gain” refers to what is laid up in heaven due to the choices I’ve made here on earth.) What will I have stored up there? Another thing that is coming to my mind is “where your treasure is, there is your heart also“. What does my behavior show where my “treasure” is concerned? What does my life indicate I am chasing after?  

Yesterday as I put away the “Christmas” decorations, I looked at my new furniture, and all I saw were empty shelves. I immediately began thinking of what I could buy to put on them. I wasn’t satisfied with the furniture God had provided, but was wanting something more. I feel so convicted right now. Gratitude would have pushed discontentment right out the door.  

The devotional I read this morning had some real ka-pow’s.  

  • “Contentment celebrates grace. The contented heart is satisfied with the GIVER and is therefore freed from craving the next gift.” If I was satisfied and grateful for all that God has given, then I wouldn’t be looking to fill my shelves with more bobbles. Oh my….

  • “Sin causes us to look horizontally for what can only be found vertically.” Once again, I see FOCUS being key. If I truly focused on God, all “the things of earth would grow strangely dim”. I need to put these lyrics in a prominent place in my home to be reminded throughout the day to shift my focus to where it belongs–on JESUS.

One more thing. When I read this passage in the various versions, the AMP version expounded on contentment like this, “contentment comes from a sense of inner confidence based on the sufficiency of God“.  

When I focus on what I don’t have (stuff to fill my empty shelves), then I am inadvertently revealing that I don’t think God is sufficient for me.  When I type that out, my head and my heart scream, “NO! That’s not what I believe!”, but the truth of the matter is that my life reveals what is in my heart. I have some refocusing to do. I have so much to be grateful for.  

What is playing before my mind’s eye is how my grandson, even in the midst of opening Christmas gifts, will be making mention of a cool toy so-and-so has.  We as adults think that is so ungrateful because we paid for the gift he is currently unwrapping.  But isn’t that what we do to God?  As we unwrap each day, with a look to what we wish we had, what we don’t have, what does that do to the heart of God?  God has given so much to purchase my life from the penalty of my sin, and in addition my all-sufficient God has already planned to meet my needs for that day.  Oh Lord, I’m so sorry for hurting Your heart.  

Oh Spirit of God, help me focus on GOD and not on stuff.  The evil one desires to keep me on the gerbil wheel of dissatisfaction, when in reality, the gifts You give are out of this world – literally!!  Please shine a light on my wrong focus as I navigate each day.  You are more than enough.  With all You give, I am truly rich.  Thank You…I love You so much.  

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